Friday, November 30, 2018

Countries must support workforce as global economy evolves: PM Lee

 (Updated: )

The changing of IT technologies is frightfully fast - and the need for Singapore to ensure that IT workers are constantly trained to ensure that IT workers are consistently equipped with the up-to-date IT skills and not be left behind.

For eg.
(1) Cloud infrastructure is increasingly taken over traditional network infrastructure. Eg. cloud infrastructure are VMware cloud, Microsoft Cloud, Amazon cloud, Goggle Cloud, HP cloud, Huawei cloud, iBM cloud etc etc - which drive jobs from traditional IT system integrator to public cloud service providers --- unless big enterprise want to build private cloud.

(2) IoT devices and robotics, drones skillsets are needed - are IT personnel trained in IoT, robotics, drone?

(3) Cyber security - have moved upwards from knowledge in traditional firewall, IPS, VPN etc to APT (Advanced Persistent Threat), Cloud security, AI security, SIEMs, biometrics authentication like iris, fingerprinting, palm printing, facial recognition etc.

(4) Skills need in machine learning, AI, natural language, robotics, drones etc.

(5) Web developments have moved into mobile apps, AI machine language, augmented reality, virtual reality, data analytics, data mining etc.

(6) Blockchain has become increasingly important in finance, logisitics chain, even building course curriculum and recording academic scores and coursework etc.

(7) Moving from traditional desktop access to VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), thin client, virtual browser.

Taking all these into account, how does mature IT Singaporeans staff trained and educated to take up the challenges --- and ensure Singaporeans IT people can take up the fast changing IT technologies?

Notice that young graduates - University fresh graduates and polytechnic graduates will have the right skillsets to take up these new skillsets.

How about mature IT people skillsets - those still on the job and those out of jobs?
Ricky Lim
Thus e2i, NTUC, WSG etc - will have to work very closely for those who are retrenched but looking for jobs --- to acquire the require skillsets to take on any IT jobs that require new skills through :-
(1) Train and Placement programme
(2) Professional Conversion programme - train and place


Companies and Businesses must actively participate in these programmes - so that mature retrenched IT workers upon train and graduate from the programme - can take on jobs immediately after graduation.

Only e2i, NTUC and WSG can help such people.

Ricky Lim
For eg. through ITM (Industry Transformation Map), companies in Singapore are adopting new IT technologies to enable their business from traditional business to Digital business transforming into Digital Economy :-

(1) Retail companies is moving into public cloud online shopping, digital online ePayment - does Singapore IT people have skillsets in mobile apps programming, web development, online ePayment, epurchase tracking of transaction supply chain, cloud apps and infrastructure?

(2) Manufacturing, hotel, banks, F&B. delivery companies etc are using robotics, drones, autonomous vehicles. IoT etc to complement their workforce.
Does Singapore IT people have skillsets to manage, operate. programme and maintain the robotics, drones, autonomous vehicles, IoT etc?

(3) Gaming companies are using virtual reality, augmented reality to develop their online network games --- does Singapore IT people have skillsets to develop gaming using VR, AR programs?

(4) Critical Information Infrastructure - such as Government, Banks, Manufacturing, Energy sector, Healthcare, Airlines, Transport etc companies are facing constant cyber attacks.
Does Singapore IT people have skillsets to protect these CII companies from world class hackers cyber attacks with skillsets such as :-
(a) APT (Advanced Persistent Threat)
(b) Defense-in-Depth
(c) 2FA authentication
(d) DLP (Data Loss Protection)
(e) Virtual Browser
(f) Inband and Out-of-Band management etc
--- in addition to traditional cyber defense?

(5) With APT hackers attacking via Internet surfing to penetrate intranet database, does Singapore IT people have skillsets in implementing, operating :-
(a) VDI (Virutal Desktop Infrastructure)
(b) BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
(c) Security Posture Assessment - such as Authenticated, Quarantine VLAN zones, port authentication, Captive Web Portal, Directory Service authentication etc.
(d) Thin Client
(e) Virtual Browser
etc for Internet Surfing?

(6) With Blockchain technologies - creating Digital Currencies such as Bitcoin etc for online digitial currencies to facilitate currency transfer for online eCommerce --- does Singapore IT people has skillsets to use Blockchain technologies to create applications that help :-
(a) MAS, banks, financial institutions - to create blockchain financial digital currencies or apps to develop financial instruments?
(b) Logistics supply chain apps using blockchain
(c) track academic courses using blockchain
(d) production, intermediaries, logistics, middleman, purchase, warehousing chain - using blockchain
etc etc etc

(7) Companies need Singapore IT people to be able to do data analytics, AI, machine learning, deep learning - to help :-
(a) marketing department to search, organise and analyse target consumer profile, consumer behavior - so that online advert can be directed to target audience
(b) COO to searh, organise and analyse operation data, maintenance records, inventories data etc - to identify repair cycle, operation process, streamline workflow, schedule maintain works, allocate engineers and technicians work etc
(c) finance companies - to search, organise and analyse the finanical profile of its customers, customers investment needs, financial needs, etc - so that bankers can direct financial instruments to its targeted financial customers etc
etc etc.


Ricky Lim
So wonder whether the retrenched mature IT people can helm these up and coming IT jobs with some of the above and not exhaustive IT jobs?

If not, did the retrenched mature IT people work closely with career coaches in e2i, NTUC, WSG etc - to :-
(1) understand which companies require which types of skillsets - and do a Placement - if the candidates have the required skillsets.

(2) if don't have this skillsets - undertake training programme under Skillfuture - to be Train and Placement or Professional Conversion Programme ---- for those participating Employers and Organisations.

--- So if don't work closely with e2i, NTUC, WSG etc --- can those retrenched mature IT people secure an IT job on their own?

If work with the Government - Singaporeans can survive.
If work against the Government - we surely die.
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim ·
ITM (Industry Transformation Map) has taken effects and has become increasingly effective in tackling disruptive technologies that have driven many traditional businesses to obsolescence causing many job losses in both PMETs and non-PMETs jobs.
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Ricky Lim ·
(1) Industry Transformation Map (ITM)
- Idea is posted in 2012 to tackle disruptive tech and is adopted by the Government feature in Budget 2016.
- Now this idea is used in 23 industries where 15 industries led by one Minister-of-State have undergone transformation and has start to reap positive outcome - as a good number of companies have start to reap growth and profit through the newly transformed business.
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Ricky Lim ·
Source of Origin of ITM :-

Ricky Lim ·
The following is posted on:-

Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 2:57 PM
Ricky Lim
REACH RWEB Submission feedback RWEB2012050100010 via the REACH website: To raise productivity,

To raise productivity, everyone has a part to play :-
1. Business invest in capital tools and send workers for training
2. Workers upgrade skills to operate capital tools
3. Govt provide grants, provide good education, married govt R&D bodies with business etc
4. Government work with various industry to devise objective and tangible KPI to allow business, workers, union, gov, schools etc to shoot for the KPI.
5. Govt, business, bright individuals should scout overseas countries and industries that have make their industries productive and bring it back to Singapore and transform our business to be more productive.
6. Union encourage, provide relevant course for workers to upgrade
7. School train students in right course, right skills and married industry with courses.
8. Home, family members, social bodies have to support working members to provide a conducive environment for working members to be productive.
9. Look at whatever else things that can make the nation productive, to be productive.
10. Peg the wage increase vis-à-vis our regions, our competitors, our international competition to ensure that our wage increase are competitive and will not drive away business – causing massive job losses.

Sent: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 3:24 PM
Subject: REACH RWEB Submission: Govt agenices working with industries to devise prodictivity figures

To elaborate further :-
(1) Ministry of Comm and iDA – should work with IT industries, foreign IT MNCs, local IT vendors etc to devise objective, tangible KPI productive figures in each technology areas and skillsets vis-à-vis global competition and regional competition – so that IT business and IT workers can target to meet the KPI productivity figures – and peg wage growth in % term and/or absolute term to the productivity figures and business profitability. Communicate this to the IT industries, business, IT workers, Union and schools. Make sure we are competitive with our global competitors and regional competitors.
(2) SLA should do the same with construction sector.
(3) Ministry of Finanace and MAS should work with the banking and financial sector. etc

ricky l
0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ricky L • a second agoRemove
That is, the concept above is how to transform Singapore Economy in 2016 - sector-by-sector (conceptualising the KPI for each sector) ---- and using targeted approach to transform each sector, each industry one by one.

Only then productivity in each sector, in each industry can be successfully transformed - supported by empirical, scientific measures.

Good that after 4 years --- the idea is taken up.
Like · Reply · Juvst now

Ricky Lim ·
The origin of Industry Transformation Map (ITM).......................
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Ricky Lim
So is job taken away by foreigners?

Or jobs taken away by "Disruptive Technologies"?

So is Singaporean IT people - nimble and versatile enough to catch up to embrace "Disruptive Technologies" to ensure they continue to be employed in the IT workforce?

Blame foreigners?
Blame Government?
or Blame Disruptive Technologies?

or Blame Ourselves?
Paul Tan
Ricky Lim there is a serious professional enclave of IT jobs by one country and one race . U known who they are and that is very risky.
Ricky Lim
Paul Tan - I feel that more can be done to get Singaporean IT people (retrenched or on-the-job) train and re-train to take on IT jobs available in Singapore.

More and more IT jobs in Singapore - are increasingly the new disruptive IT jobs - and not the traditional IT jobs that many mature IT people are trained in and familiar with.

But may not be a good idea for individual to sign up for courses in Skillfuture - without a prior undertaking or arrangement with a Company that offer to take a trainee in after completion of the course.

It is better to work with e2i, NTUC or WSG - to undertake a skillfuture or Professional Conversion Programme - under the "Train and Placement" scheme.

This will guarantee to land the candidate a job upon completion of the training.

Just a side note :-
(1) PR intake was reduced by 4,000 in 2018.
(2) Foreigners intake was reduced by 2,000 in 2018 and 27,000 in 2017.

This mean that more and more jobs are catered for Singaporeans - provided that Singaporeans can take on the jobs.
Breeke Lo
Ricky Lim "This mean that more and more jobs are catered for Singaporeans - provided that Singaporeans can take on the jobs."

Reduction in FT intake is not necessarily equal to "more jobs are catered for Singaporeans". You are assuming there are no reduction in job numbers. Please qualify that first before making that assertion.
Ricky Lim
Breeke Lo - In 2018, for IT jobs alone - still have 22,000 IT job vacancies.
Who say got no IT jobs?

With the Nation designated as Smart Nation, transformation into Digital Economy in every industries sectors such as mobile apps web development, online shopping, IoT devices (eg. security CCTV, facial recognition), cyber security, cloud, data analytics, robotics, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, biometrics authentication, digital currencies, block chain etc etc etc, integration with ASEAN in digital economy ----- the demand for IT professionals are experiencing phenomenal growth.

Know of people where good organisations chase after them with jobs.

Is whether you got 料 or not. 
Also whether you got positive attitude or not.

Also notice that those mature retrenched people who can finally secure jobs have the following positive attributes:-
(1) got the required skillsets (whether they already have or after re-training)
(2) positive attitude, no big ego or negative attitude (not those that criticise alot)

(3) patient and preserverance
(4) able to network and work with people in a team
(5) hardworking
(6) able to work closely with the career coach in e2i, NTUC, WSG.

7 in 10 retrenched locals assisted by employment taskforce found new jobs within 6 months: MOM
19 Sep 2018 12:22PM 

In 2017, seven out of ten retrenched locals assisted by the Taskforce for Responsible Retrenchment and Employment Facilitation found jobs within six months, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said on Wednesday (Sep 19) in a press release outlining the first report card for the Taskforce.

The taskforce, which was set in March 2016, comprises members from MOM, Workforce Singapore (WSG), National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) and the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).

Breeke Lo
With IT departments largely staffed by ceca talents to meet the needs of the changing landscape, how does these easy solutions meet the long term goal of "provide the workforce with the right education and skills"? All we are seeing here is the local workforce getting more and more displaced, creating a long term reliance on foreign talents.
Megan Ram
They live in their own luxury world, oblivious to all hardship going ons.. .even a blind can see
Why only recently then start to automation in everything? Is like cutting down jungle & follow by growing back the cut down jungle.
Breeke Lo
What jungle nonsense u talking? Automation has been around for donkey years lah bodoh Lol
Hammer Chan
用李 again bugging for humiliation. Just no......????
Leeza Lu
Unlike australia the law protect their citizens first and displace the foreigner. SG n LHL talk big but no action. Reskill but cannot get job for what?
Paul Tan
When all these heads of states in the G20 realize how much Singapore is over reliance on foreign workers , they simply could not believe what lhl said.
Breeke Lo
Lol. Exactly.
Lawrence Ong
Aa the saying goes
Talking is cheap
Megan Ram
Talk, talk, talk,......even a school dropout can do
Breeke Lo
Megan Ram that reminded me of 1 such guy here lol
Henry Chang
Already so many natives had been displaced. What is he talking about govt must interveve before workers are displaced?
Dave Singh
The same controversy surrounding Singapore as usual.Just fabricating statements that make little sense in the real society.
Tony Gan
Take care your citizen first before you talk at world stage...even foreigner who hv spend time here..can see how you make your highly educated workforce into taxi drivers shop..attendants...IN TOTAL Disbelieve !!! You make your people 2nd class citizen in their country of birth...So many foreigner trash are here because of bros..and sis...connection...meritocratic society ???
Tony Gan
In 70s and have the job...we will fit hook or by do not stop in school...there is self training and learning on the job ! So no need to talk new skills...provide the job firsts then train !!

LHL is saying that if u r a lawyer, accountant, doctor or any professional for over 15 years, just plan to throw away your jobs, n start learning digitalised methods of your profession, meaning , only a fraction of you will b employed coz only few of these new digital professionals r required, Each in the category can do dozens of traditional lawyers, accountants, doctors n other professional jobs. In short, LHL is telling u guys that retrenchment, redundancies, volunteer employment severance schemes r on the horizon. M I correct ?
Petjay Catarbas
Looks like Software skills will be in more demands in the digital age. India is the IT power house and has the advantage. SG can learn from them via 'training and skills transfer'. This should be the prerequisite for them to work here.
Lance C Alta
Enough bullshit from PAP LHL. Look at IT sector staffed mainly by India workers, Banking sector also staffed mainly by India workers. What else is left? It was because 15 yrs ago, LHL failed to train our workforce in IT and Banking. Those India workers are not cheap. They lived in condos and drawing high salaries. So enough PAP bullshit as we have reach the point of no return.