Tuesday, April 3, 2018

US identifies US$50b in Chinese imports facing tariffs
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/us-identifies-us-50b-in-chinese-imports-facing-tariffs-10101764

 (Updated: )

Jessis Ng
Good, get them back. Those China thief need to be punish. The deficit is too wide, this has to be narrow.

Some may argue that china have lower cost overall ( labour, land resource cost etc), the reason is because china exploit their worker by allowing lower wage. In china, the income group between the middle class and lower tier is very wide. I hope there is some human right group can stand out and fight for those people. China been playing dirty.
Ricky Lim · 

Jessis Ng - the total world market it $90.4 trillion.

US market - make up of $18 trillion.
China market - make up of $18 trillion.
EU market - make up of $21 trillion.
World market in total make up of - $90.4 trillion.

Trump declare total global trade war on the World - take on many Countries at the same time - EU, China, S Korea, Japan, steel producing Countries, Indoneisa, Malaysia on palm oil for bio-fuels plus others.

Do you think Trump can win in this trade war?
Take out your calculator to calculate -- you think it will not back-fire on Trump?
Open your eyes and ears wide - from now on to see and hear how Trump fall.

Ricky Lim · 

Posted on:- 02 Apr 2018

Ricky Lim ·
Trump is a big bully in waging trade war against the World and use coercion on his many of his trade partners.

It is time to inflict pain on Trump - as a bully will only learn if pain is inflicted on him.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited

Ricky Lim ·
And the retaliatory tariffs hit at the very heart of Trump agricultural base who are strong supporters of Trump.

Now let see whether these voters will continue to vote for Trump to be the bully.
Like · Reply · 1m

Jessis Ng
Ricky Lim trump gonna hit them hard. 50 billion tariff on china good coming, trump will win in this trade war.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3h

Ricky Lim ·
Jessis Ng - Let see who win in the end.

Trump has no real trade friends and trade partners.

China has many trading partners and the World market.

Use your math to compute who will eventually win.
Like · Reply · 1m

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Read this and use your calculator to compute - and you will know who will win.

Boeing to sell 300 planes worth $37 billion to China.
Boeing has forecast that Chinese airlines will buy 7,240 commercial aircraft worth $1.1 trillion between now and 2036.

Use your calculator to calculate who will lose?
Or whether your calculator can insert all the figures inside.

Ricky Lim · 

What Trump is doing now --- is totally throwing all caution to the wind.
He is acting on total impulse without regard to whatever consequences.
His madness is surfacing and he fringe on pulling everyone down before he goes down.

This is the symptom and disposition of a madman - where things don't goes his way.
Charles Cheng
Ricky Lim
You figure is fake... where is the source?
Ricky Lim · 

Charles Cheng - I do not have to prove to you my figure.
You prove to me my figure is fake - since you say so.

Ricky Lim · 
BTW, the 5pm Channel News Asia reported that China has retaliate against US soybean, car, chemical value of US$50 billion - in which a US analyst say will inflict a maximum political damage to Trump.

There was already an intense ongoing lobby by the US business group against Trump - that are affected by China retaliatory tariff.

The US analyst say that alot of this States are a thin margin that vote Trump in.

China's measure will topple Trump in all these affected States.

Jessis Ng -- open your eyes and ear wide and big - and wait abit longer to see the outcome.

You will see the outcome of Trump.

Ricky Lim · 

One of the biggest winner of China retaliatory measure against Trump is Australia.

Australia will win big when China start to order agricultural products from Australia and US farmers will have to let soybean, pig, chemical etc to rot - as no one in the World will pick up this products.

So Jessis - you think will win big or lose big?
Talk can, gunho can - like you and Trump ---- now when start to lockhorn - let see who win.

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