Saturday, April 7, 2018


The ticking time bomb of the 99-year-leasehold HDB flats

Ravi Philemon

2 seconds ago
99-year-leasehold HDB flats will become zero value when the 99 year lease is up.
One way to ensure that its value will not turn to zero - is to enbloc them by allowing private developers to bid for it - but cap its price to be around the BTO prices.

In this way, owners of such flat can reap enbloc price per unit and private developers can redevelop the HDB flat that is reaching 99 years and resell it at the prevailing BTO prices.

By doing so, owners can retain HDB as an asset with values without becoming zero, and also the flat can be redeveoped into new flat and sell at a prevailing price with profit to developers --- and Government coffer will not be hurt.

This will also promote growth of the construction sector - with this enbloc scheme - and further contribute to the GDP of Singapore.

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