Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Position Singapore as a global Asia node in next phase of economic transformation: Heng Swee Keat

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Minister Heng noted that productivity has increased over the past two years, from 1.4 per cent in 2016 to 3.8 per cent last year, helped in part by the recovery in the global economy.
Posted on :-
07 Feb 2018 11:05AM (Updated: 07 Feb 2018 11:45AM)

Ricky Lim ·
ITM (Industry Transformation Map) has taken effects and has become increasingly effective in tackling disruptive technologies that have driven many traditional businesses to obsolescence causing many job losses in both PMETs and non-PMETs jobs.
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Ricky Lim ·
(1) Industry Transformation Map (ITM)
- Idea is posted in 2012 to tackle disruptive tech and is adopted by the Government feature in Budget 2016.
- Now this idea is used in 23 industries where 15 industries led by one Minister-of-State have undergone transformation and has start to reap positive outcome - as a good number of companies have start to reap growth and profit through the newly transformed business.
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Ricky Lim ·
Source of Origin of ITM :-

Ricky Lim ·
The following is posted on:-

Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 2:57 PM
Ricky Lim
REACH RWEB Submission feedback RWEB2012050100010 via the REACH website: To raise productivity,

To raise productivity, everyone has a part to play :-
1. Business invest in capital tools and send workers for training
2. Workers upgrade skills to operate capital tools
3. Govt provide grants, provide good education, married govt R&D bodies with business etc
4. Government work with various industry to devise objective and tangible KPI to allow business, workers, union, gov, schools etc to shoot for the KPI.
5. Govt, business, bright individuals should scout overseas countries and industries that have make their industries productive and bring it back to Singapore and transform our business to be more productive.
6. Union encourage, provide relevant course for workers to upgrade
7. School train students in right course, right skills and married industry with courses.
8. Home, family members, social bodies have to support working members to provide a conducive environment for working members to be productive.
9. Look at whatever else things that can make the nation productive, to be productive.
10. Peg the wage increase vis-à-vis our regions, our competitors, our international competition to ensure that our wage increase are competitive and will not drive away business – causing massive job losses.

Sent: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 3:24 PM
Subject: REACH RWEB Submission: Govt agenices working with industries to devise prodictivity figures

To elaborate further :-
(1) Ministry of Comm and iDA – should work with IT industries, foreign IT MNCs, local IT vendors etc to devise objective, tangible KPI productive figures in each technology areas and skillsets vis-à-vis global competition and regional competition – so that IT business and IT workers can target to meet the KPI productivity figures – and peg wage growth in % term and/or absolute term to the productivity figures and business profitability. Communicate this to the IT industries, business, IT workers, Union and schools. Make sure we are competitive with our global competitors and regional competitors.
(2) SLA should do the same with construction sector.
(3) Ministry of Finanace and MAS should work with the banking and financial sector. etc

ricky l
0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ricky L • a second agoRemove
That is, the concept above is how to transform Singapore Economy in 2016 - sector-by-sector (conceptualising the KPI for each sector) ---- and using targeted approach to transform each sector, each industry one by one.

Only then productivity in each sector, in each industry can be successfully transformed - supported by empirical, scientific measures.

Good that after 4 years --- the idea is taken up.
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Ricky Lim ·
The origin of Industry Transformation Map (ITM).......................

Ricky Lim · 

Moving forward, Mr Heng said that economic transformation is an “ongoing journey”.
“There is no end point,” he said. “We have gone through successive waves of changes because the global economy is changing by the day, technological advances are happening all the time so these external changes are changes that we must take into account in all that we do.

ITM (Industry Transformation Map) is the priceless treasure contribution 无价宝 to the Nation and to the Singapore future generations.
Jeremey Wong
I am fine with just password but at least need longer password with all the nasty characters mandatory. Must have capital letter la, lower case la, numeric la and strange characters and must be minimum 12 characters for the password.
Ricky Lim · 
Jeremey Wong - when a keylogger malware get into your end-device - whether smartphone or your laptop --- no matter how fantastic your password is - is useless.

Eg. a keylogger malware is loaded into your laptop - whatever you type - the keylogger will capture your keystroke one by one - and pipe back to hacker server who can later retrieve your userid and password.

If if you use OTP 2FA (One time password - 2-factor authentication) - even if the keylogger capture your keystroke on the 2FA - the hacker can't use it to login into your account because it is only valid once unlike your userid and password which are used everytime you login.

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