Wednesday, April 18, 2018

South Korea says discussing peace deal with North Korea ahead of summit

South Korea said on Wednesday it is considering how to change a decades-old armistice with North Korea into a peace agreement, as U.S. officials confirmed an unprecedented top-level meeting with the North Korean leader.
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
"As one of the plans, we are looking at a possibility of shifting the Korean peninsula's armistice to a peace regime," a high-ranking South Korean presidential official told reporters when asked about the North-South summit.
"But that's not a matter than can be resolved between the two Koreas alone. It requires close consultations with other concerned nations, as well as North Korea," the official said.
South Korea and a U.S.-led U.N. force are technically still at war with North Korea after the Korean War ended with a truce, not a peace treaty. The U.S.-led United Nations Command, Chinese forces and North Korea signed the 1953 armistice, to which South Korea is not a party.
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on:- 10 Feb 2018 02:57PM (Updated: 10 Feb 2018 03:08PM)

Ricky Lim ·
Let hope there is a breakthrough in eventual permanent peace in Korean Peninsula.
Let hope security assurance and peace deal can be sealed for both Koreas.
Let hope economic integration, business deal, investment deal, travel deal can be secured.

And finally, let hope the final denuclearisation can be secured in Korea Peninsula.
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Ricky Lim · ·

Ricky Lim ·
See things can change.
Seems like N Korea does respond to social media.

Asia culture is quite different from the West - where what it seems unimportant move could be an important move. Thus reading too much into it may lead to misinterpretation.
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
The below opinion will still be useful.
Ricky Lim ·
Asia culture is one that start slow, build trust, build confidence, start with something that seems small, a small step, do something that seems unimportant - and slowly move into something that is of interest to both parties.

This is unlike Western culture that go straight into the main topic and want immediate result - that is still cold, very sensitive and still unyielding - and if things don't happen as expected - try to use high-hand tactics. This will not work for Asia culture.

Hence, let S Korea Leaders lead the way in this - as they understand N Korea culture better than anyone do.

"Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that may lead to breakthrough.
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Ricky Lim ·
When Mr Lee Kuan Yew visit China and meet the then Mr Deng Xiao Ping - "Exchange of Heart" 交心 - is the crux that lead to the breakthrough - that change China's heart to integrate with the World economically.

Think this could be possible if the "right key" is used correctly on N Korea.
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Ricky Lim ·
We should take a cue on how China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - break out from economic and political isolation to embrace the World and integrate with the World economically.

(1) China by "Exchanging of Heart" with Singapore and then open up economically and integrate with the World. China work with someone they can trust - which is Singapore.
(2) Vietnam work with Asean by joining ASEAN to open up economically.
(3) Cambodia, Laos work with both China and joining ASEAN to open up economically.

N Korea will have to work with "someone" he can trust - and do similar things like what China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos did.
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Ricky Lim ·
After 15 years of 普度, NKorea for the 1st time agree to denuke talk!
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Ricky Lim ·
If both S Korea and N Korea succeed in denuke talk and lead N Korea to integrate successfully with the World Community economically ---- suggest nominating both President Moon of S Korea and President Kim of N Korea for Nobel Peace prize.
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Ricky Lim · 
Important to :-
(1) Sign a Permanent Peace Treaty to replace the Truce Treaty.
(2) Ensure a permanent irreversible denuclearisation agreement.

(3) Remove economic sanctions for N Korea and allow N Korea to join the World Economic Community - and ensure N Korea can survive, thrive and prosper economically like any other Nations.

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