The Latest: Russia praises Syrian air defenses after strikes
ricky l
1 second ago
ricky l
25 seconds ago
ricky l
1 second ago
ricky l
1 second ago
5 hours ago
Judging by the pictures of the targets before and after the strikes, the Russian system is rubbish. If you doubt that ask yourself how the Israelis seem to be able to roam at will over Syria and destroy half their air defences.

ricky l
1 second ago
What about Russian S300 or S400 anti-missile system - that say are tracking the missiles flying in from the 2 airbases but are not doing anything?
That means they are not jammable - as its radar and guidance system are still working.
That means they are not jammable - as its radar and guidance system are still working.
- ricky l1 second ago@Ben - The Tomahawk cruise missile can transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link
- ricky l1 second ago
Shi'ite? Sorry, that's Assad.
That and a slew of point defense systems, including 8 or 9 Buks (the same system that shot-down the KLM 777 over Ukraine), and the SA-3, SA-6, SA-8 and one of the newer Russian SAMs, the SA-22 (aka, the Pantsir, which a Russian General was pimping hard I the article).
Every single one of them failed. Given the video of SAMs over Damascus flying perfectly straight routes (meaning they're not tracking or following anything), and the fact that they were 0 for 40+ with their SAMs, I think they were afraid to turn-on their radars, and were firing their SAMs ballistically, rather than with guidance.
It means considerable amount of missiles must have hit the sites - to cause such damages.
Also all British and France aircraft return safely - this mean the anti-missile system did not hit the aircraft.
S400 anti-missiles are also deployed (but are far away) from the 3 targeted sites - and they are operated by the Russian troops.
The only claim to verify is that, did this S400 radar and guidance system turn on and able to track the incoming missiles hitting the multiple sites.
If yes, then is Tomahawk effective in jamming the S400 radar and guidance system in a battle scenario situation.
This is all about science and technology - not able politics or emotion.
So far no independent report can verify this.
Will Tomahawk effective in neutralising air-defense put up by S400 or S300 and jamming their radar and guidance system.
If yes, F15, F16, F18 can still fly to control airspace.
Also F22 and F35 stealth can still fly before S300 and S400 are neutralise?
These will determine how future air battle and air-defense system will be fought with the 2 opposing systems.
It is all about science and technology - which are scientifically verifiable - not by claims and counter-claims, emotion and counter-emotion -- devoid of facts on the ground.
Well I go by statistics and fact.
Based on actual count :-
(1) 76 missiles were fired and hit the research centre - Site 1
(2) 22 missiles were fired and hit the chemical weapon storage site - Site 2
(3) 7 missiles were fired and hit the underground chemical storage site at Homs - Site 3.
In total, 105 missiles were accounted for on these 3 sites.
So how many missiles are not fired on other sites and are unaccounted for?