Thursday, April 19, 2018

South Korea's Moon: A peace treaty 'must be pursued'
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
"If the inter-Korean summit or North Korea-US summit lead to denuclearisation," he said, "I think that it won't be too difficult to reach practical agreements in the big picture on creating a peace regime, normalising North Korea-US ties, or providing international aid for the improvement of the North Korean economy."
"The armistice that has dragged on for 65 years must come to an end," Moon told media company representatives at the presidential Blue House, adding: "The signing of a peace treaty must be pursued after an end to the war is declared."
The 1950-53 Korean War ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty, leaving the two sides technically at war, and the Demilitarised Zone between them - where Moon and Kim will meet next Friday - bristles with minefields and fortifications.
But Moon signalled that a treaty would depend on the North giving up its nuclear weapons.

Posted on :- 05 Feb 2018
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Important to :-
(1) Sign a Permanent Peace Treaty to replace the Truce Treaty.
(2) Ensure a permanent irreversible denuclearisation agreement.

(3) Remove economic sanctions for N Korea and allow N Korea to join the World Economic Community - and ensure N Korea can survive, thrive and prosper economically like any other Nations.
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