Wednesday, April 18, 2018

China says Nepal a natural area for cooperation with India

Nepal is a natural area for cooperation between China and India, the Chinese government's top diplomat State Councillor Wang Yi said on Wednesday, as he invited India to participate in connectivity projects between the three nations.
18 Apr 2018 02:40PM
Ricky Lim · 
"We believe that such a network when well developed can also create conditions for an economic corridor connecting China, Nepal and India. We hope that such cooperation can contribute to the development and prosperity of all three countries.
current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought to re-set ties and will visit China in June for a regional summit.
Need both China and India to work together to get the RCEP signed.
Economic cooperation and trade through multi-lateral trade agreement - is needed to tackle, cushion and mitigate against Trump's protectionist trade war.

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