Sunday, April 8, 2018

North Korea ready to discuss denuclearisation with US: Source

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

Just hope that Trump handle this denuke talk carefully and not mess it up.
It is also the best time to sign a Permanent Peace Treaty with N Korea to end the truce and war hostility with N Korea.

If all the above are done, it is also time to remove the economic sanction on N Korea.

It is also time to entice N Korea to integrate with the World Economic Community.
Dave Choy
On the NK issue, he has already achived more than other American Ex-pres.
Ricky Lim · 

Yah, he almost trigger a nuclear war with N Korea - but pull back just in time.
Else the whole Asia Pacific will be nuclear contaminated.

We don't need such a person to turn Asia Pacific of oasis of peace into a war zone, nuclear contaminated worst than in Middle East.

Count yourself lucky that many people from behind the scene - has 
scrambled to stop the calamity.

You all only see the surface - but unaware that human race got nearly wipe out by Trump impulse madness.

Ricky Lim · 

If you think that a madman can solve world complex dangerous problem ---- you have to count yourselves lucky that there are whole lot of systems and people behind scrambling to stop the madman madness from destroying the World.

And you should be praying that it will not get out of hand - just in one or more issues that get out of hand.
Just one slip - may bring the whole World down.

There are few of such at hand - that have been stopped on time, but there are some that are still brewing - where others are trying to prevent - and hope it will backfire on this madman.

One is trade war. If he messed up - the World is up in arm - to let it backfire on him.
The second is the summit with N Korea. If he messed up, he may turn a solvable issue into a war zone.

Ricky Lim · 
Trump is too dangerous to be around helming the post of President of USA - that have a finger onto the nuclear button and with dangerous men around him.

Trump is also too dangerous a man to trigger the global trade war that may bring the world economy down.
Luckily China (and EU not yet taken action) - is more than a match for Trump.

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