Thursday, April 5, 2018

ASEAN finance ministers meeting at 'time of optimism', says Heng Swee Keat

 (Updated: )
Lynn Lee · 

Singapore now suffering from MRT because Smrt privatised. If important ASEAN infrastructure controlled by private fund seeking profit, next time may repeat SMRT current problem.
Ricky Lim · 

You have no choice, unless you elicit private fund to catalyse the infrastructure spendings of ASEAN to spur growth.

Unless people are willing to pay more tax, Government will not have sufficient funds to finance the infrastructure spendings.

If you see what is going on in US - with Trump triggering trade war, global economic growth will be impacted.

As trade may be taking a hit, infrastructure spendings will be another best factor to spur growth.

In an economic model, trade, private consumption, government spendings - are 3 major factors to boost growth.

With Trump sabotaging the world economic growth by triggering trade war - the world cannot depend on Trump trade to boost growth.

Thus relying on government spendings in infrastructure spendings to boost growth - is the next best move.
But government coffers are very tight due to low taxes -- thus bringing in private fund to spur infrastructure spendings is the next best move.

Ricky Lim · 
On a side track,

Trump is entering deeper and deeper into a trade war, and further he is getting deeper and deeper into big trouble that will cause US Economy to plummet.

(1) Trump announce a mammoth US$1.5 trillion government spendings.
But US is already inheriting a total US$21.5 trillion public debt.
US will face a big burden to finance the debt interest they have to pay plus the huge debt they will have to repay.

(2) Trump levy a tariff on aluminimum and steel. Then Trump announce a $50 billion trade war with China. Just heard that Trump is going to announce another $100 billion tariff on China for retaliating.

Now Trump by starting a trade war - will means US trade will be taken a big hit.
Trade income will fall, personal income will fall, US trade business will take a hit especially agricultural sector - and more people will face job losses and US conumers will pay a much higher prices in many products --- and US Economy will take a great hit.

With Trump facing a large budget deficit, he will not be able to get income to finance the $1.5 trillion spendings - unless he pay a huge interest due to the big risk that borrowers have to bear.

In addition, with Trump fight on global trade - more Countries will move away from trading with US - and Trump will start losing his trade income --- and this will make Trump government coffer all the more worst.

Trump is triggering a financial crisis in US - after he trigger global trade crisis.

Ricky Lim · 

Trump by escalating, intensifying and making the trade war big - will means accelerating and covering a big US consumer groups on the impact of trade war.

If Trump fail in the trade war, he will fall very quickly and the backlash on Trump will be ferocious.

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