Monday, July 8, 2019

Trump hits out at May after leak of damning cables

 (Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) The truth hurts.

(2) It is well known to the World that Trump is inept - and has mess up Global affairs - whether economically, in trade, politically and environmental.

(3) The only problem is whether Trump and his administration accept the truth.
Niko Nishi
Kim Darroch was only speaking the truth. For Trump, you can know it but you cannot say it, publicly.
Ong Ch
Lol.... remember the emperor parading with no clothing. Nice clothing emperor Trunk...
Georgie Tan
The world already know about USA today with Trump, why get angry.
Wu Jimmy
This is not new......the whole world already know......old news
Eddy Khong
New leaked? And here the West is blaming Huawei for spying🤔🤔🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️
Goh Jon Hin
The whole world had already knew that Donald Duckie Trumpet is a horn-blowing duck and the Whitehouse is full of suckling ducklings.
From the way this whole bunch of lost "kids" responding to this leak, describing them "inept" is quite a kind compliment instead of calling them "delusional" in truth.
Eddie Lim
when u r no longer of any use to Trump, he can be very mean to u...
Derrek Chang
This is gonna be interesting. This is exactly what we define breach of national security. Now is the time to investigate if Huawei device is the main culprit. Ideally to keep the world informed if it is from other manufacturer so that globally people are well inforned to ban the manufacturer necessarily due to national security reason.
Lee Wei Chiang
Trump is a person who cannot accept criticism. He still act as he is the business owner when all his employees must suck up to him. He is lucky because he inherits a mighthy US built up by all the previous presidents and the US people. However, such domination is slipping away under his watch by fighting his own allies who have differ opinions. For the smaller allies who has no choice but suck up to him he pushes his weight and bullies them.
Joseph Convergence
Songs ;;
" Let there be peace on earth..."
Hweechuan Soh
The world will be better without inept Trump and his team

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