(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) For these foreigners who come to Singapore to work - they must not engage in any political activities or worst in armed activities (whether against our Country or against any foreign Countries).
(2) If they breach such policies - they must be deported immediately - as we don't condone violence or political activities - that will cause problem to us and the affected foreign Countries.
(2) If they breach such policies - they must be deported immediately - as we don't condone violence or political activities - that will cause problem to us and the affected foreign Countries.
Kee Wee Lee
With the high tech and intelligence knowledge. Every body's have their own mind set. So much things happened. But is should not do it in other country. SG inviting all these FW have food and fund. But created problem to the local residents if the situation was not under control. Should follow the HK citizens protested in their own home land.
Please keep yourself well-informed.
You are not informed enough. Myanmar army is currently attacking civilians who have done nothing. This means that whoever is suspected of even doing protest in the country will be target and put to death. Also, internet access has been cut off in Arakan, so there is no way for them to show the world how they are right now. HK citizens do not live in such conditions, therefore they were able to protest in their homeland. Technology is not as advanced in many parts of Myanmar as some other countries, and aid such as food and medicine are being blocked by Myanmar Army. Arakanese in other countries know that their ethnic people in Myanmar are being silenced; that is why they are speaking for those who cannot.
You are not informed enough. Myanmar army is currently attacking civilians who have done nothing. This means that whoever is suspected of even doing protest in the country will be target and put to death. Also, internet access has been cut off in Arakan, so there is no way for them to show the world how they are right now. HK citizens do not live in such conditions, therefore they were able to protest in their homeland. Technology is not as advanced in many parts of Myanmar as some other countries, and aid such as food and medicine are being blocked by Myanmar Army. Arakanese in other countries know that their ethnic people in Myanmar are being silenced; that is why they are speaking for those who cannot.
Daniel Goh
Z E N SO WHAT??!!! We don't give a damn what the story is. These fellas shouldn't be advancing their own country's political agenda here in Singapore. They deserved to be sent back!!!!
Jacq Low
Z E N Sorry to say, but I support both Kee and Daniel. SO WHAT? We don't give a damn about what happens in other countries because is all he say she say. You say 1 thing, the Myanmar government say another thing. We have no way to verify what you say, and therefore will not take sides in your war. Don't you dare involve forcing Singapore to work with you nor participate in your war.
Thatoe Tayza
Philip Chan Yes, MHA can send the Rakhine victims but not to the murder monster,the myanmar government's hands. You know think about it.
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Danny Lum
Thatoe Tayza, Z E N -
(1) As long as those people hold the passport of Myanmar break our law - we will deport them back to Myanmar.
Where you come from - we will deport you back to where you come from if you break our law.
(2) We will not dwell into your internal politics.
(3) If you are coming to Singapore to work - you better observe our law and don't breach it.
(4) If you breach it - you must respect the consequences.
(1) As long as those people hold the passport of Myanmar break our law - we will deport them back to Myanmar.
Where you come from - we will deport you back to where you come from if you break our law.
(2) We will not dwell into your internal politics.
(3) If you are coming to Singapore to work - you better observe our law and don't breach it.
(4) If you breach it - you must respect the consequences.
Daniel Goh
We gave these fellas an opportunity to work here, send money home so they and their families can have better life...but they used our country and heartland facilities as a base to advance their political ideology that has a militant background to it...OF COURSE WE SEND THEM BACK!!!!
Got the cheek to protest. What's there to protest about?
Got the cheek to protest. What's there to protest about?
Tay Soon Nam
Go back home to cry-father-cry-mother to your own government. Don't ever come to Singapore to create disorder - we value our security and safety!
Masa Soh Mengming
Take your politics elsewhere. I see no reason why Singapore has to play host to your political activities, armed insurgency or not!
Georgie Tan
SG Govt and employer should be careful when hiring or allowing them into SG. These trouble maker should be ban entering SG. I think this is not the first time happening here.
Ken Kevin
They should complaint to the UN human Rights and see what is their response if they felt those 6 being deported was wrong. Stop making shame to yourselves and if have gut, show your support by going back to your country and protest it, instead of protesting in other countries and make a scene to the world.
Abdul Hameed
Now The Future Of Arakanese In Singapore Is At Stake Of Not Being Renew Their Work Permits Or Will Deny For Work Permits.
***The Arakanese Association-Singapore (AAS) described as "a social welfare organisation that contributes relief aid from Singapore to the Arakanese displaced in the north of Rakhine State".*
They Should Stayed As The Said Proposed.
Now Singapore Is In Question For Its Authetics.
Expect More Protests Till The Truth Is Reveal.
Attracting World Audiences Anyone ?
***The Arakanese Association-Singapore (AAS) described as "a social welfare organisation that contributes relief aid from Singapore to the Arakanese displaced in the north of Rakhine State".*
They Should Stayed As The Said Proposed.
Now Singapore Is In Question For Its Authetics.
Expect More Protests Till The Truth Is Reveal.
Attracting World Audiences Anyone ?
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