Tuesday, July 2, 2019

GIC’s real returns hold steady at 3.4%, maintains cautious investment stance amid uncertainties

GIC says future returns could be “low and volatile”given the uncertainties in the global environment ahead.
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/gic-s-real-returns-hold-steady-at-3-4-maintains-cautious-11685392
 (Updated: )

Justin Lee
Look like MAS is doing a better job than GIC. MAS, GIC & Temasek should merge to reap the benefit of economy of scale & synergy.

3.4% is well below market rate of 8%. MD MAS Ravi Menon should takeover the GIC pathetic investment & replace GIC CEO Lim Chow Kiat!
Danny Lum
(1) GIC, Temasek and MAS - are 3 entities playing 3 different roles.

(2) GIC are more conservative, investing into more long term defensive instruments.

(3) Temasek is slightly more adventurous, going for higher return but slightly more risky instruments.

(4) MAS play the central bank role, its primary role is managing monetary policy, currency exchange rate where investment is its secondary role.

(5) So the 3 bodies are playing attacker, middle field and defender ---- and merging the 3 bodies are out of question.

Danny Lum
(1) All worthy investors - will usually adopt these 3 stance in investments
- prudent,
- long term safe but steady return,
- a bit adventurous for higher return but still safe investment.

Eddie Lim
GIC n 1MDB is like heaven n hell different.
John Low
Eddie Lim
John Low lucky u r John low, not jho low...😊

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