(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) This world war 2 - has ended 50 years ago.
(2) What need to end has already ended. The current peaceful Japanese are unlike the wartime Japanese.
(3) SE Asia which have suffered many years ago - have already moved on.
(4) War criminals have already been persecuted - and compensation had already been made.
(5) It is time to move on - and not let the old baggage bogged down this generation and beyond.
(6) The World is so much better if Countries can collaborate and cooperate ---- which unfortunately such global cooperation is fully destroyed by Trump.
Other Countries should not follow the bad examples of Trump - who is a poor role model for humanity.
(7) 看破,放下,自在,随缘。-- is the best antidote for healing and move on - instead of constantly being bogged down by historical baggage - that does not help Global trade, business, finance and cooperation.
(8) 能原谅别人的过错,就是释放自己的痛苦。
Being able to forgive someone else's fault is to release one's own pain.
(2) What need to end has already ended. The current peaceful Japanese are unlike the wartime Japanese.
(3) SE Asia which have suffered many years ago - have already moved on.
(4) War criminals have already been persecuted - and compensation had already been made.
(5) It is time to move on - and not let the old baggage bogged down this generation and beyond.
(6) The World is so much better if Countries can collaborate and cooperate ---- which unfortunately such global cooperation is fully destroyed by Trump.
Other Countries should not follow the bad examples of Trump - who is a poor role model for humanity.
(7) 看破,放下,自在,随缘。-- is the best antidote for healing and move on - instead of constantly being bogged down by historical baggage - that does not help Global trade, business, finance and cooperation.
(8) 能原谅别人的过错,就是释放自己的痛苦。
Being able to forgive someone else's fault is to release one's own pain.
Like · Reply · 1m
George Teo
On your Point 2 -
The problem is not the population who are wonderful people, but the JAPANESE POLITICIANS TODAY .
What are the intentions of Abe in procurring more arms and approving the Imperial Rescript in their education, as well as the Mein Kampf’ And now changing the Constitution to create a Miltary Force.
"Hakko Ichiu" is still embedded in their minds
The problem is not the population who are wonderful people, but the JAPANESE POLITICIANS TODAY .
What are the intentions of Abe in procurring more arms and approving the Imperial Rescript in their education, as well as the Mein Kampf’ And now changing the Constitution to create a Miltary Force.
"Hakko Ichiu" is still embedded in their minds
Reply · 6h
Danny Lum
George Teo -
(1) The geopolitical context are very different now compare to WW2.
(2) Japan Emperor and Japanese citizens have learned a great lesson on the sufferings in waging war - and will not revert back to the ancient time of Imperialism.
(3) S Korea, N Korea armed forces are as strong as the Japan military - what make people think that Japan can conquer Korea like in the past?
(4) China military is of SuperPower scale - comparable only to US or Russia. What make people think that Japan can invade China like in WW2?
(5) ASEAN military as a whole is as strong if not stronger than Japan. What make people think that Japan can walk all over ASEAN like in WW2?
(6) Thus being paranoid and keep harping on Japan's historical past - does not help to build a more cooperative and collaborative World ---- that is so much needed in the Asia Pacific region - where Trump's trade war is threatening the global livelihood.
(7) RCEP require the cooperation of both Japan and S Korea. The current loggerhead by these 2 Asia big economy will not help in the trade and business - not to mention the conclusion of RCEP - that the Asia Pacific so badly needed - against the backdrop of Trump's trade war.
(1) The geopolitical context are very different now compare to WW2.
(2) Japan Emperor and Japanese citizens have learned a great lesson on the sufferings in waging war - and will not revert back to the ancient time of Imperialism.
(3) S Korea, N Korea armed forces are as strong as the Japan military - what make people think that Japan can conquer Korea like in the past?
(4) China military is of SuperPower scale - comparable only to US or Russia. What make people think that Japan can invade China like in WW2?
(5) ASEAN military as a whole is as strong if not stronger than Japan. What make people think that Japan can walk all over ASEAN like in WW2?
(6) Thus being paranoid and keep harping on Japan's historical past - does not help to build a more cooperative and collaborative World ---- that is so much needed in the Asia Pacific region - where Trump's trade war is threatening the global livelihood.
(7) RCEP require the cooperation of both Japan and S Korea. The current loggerhead by these 2 Asia big economy will not help in the trade and business - not to mention the conclusion of RCEP - that the Asia Pacific so badly needed - against the backdrop of Trump's trade war.
George Teo
On Danny Lam's point 2
The Japanese population today are wonderful people but NOT THE POLITICIANS
Abe's actions tells a different story
1. On Education - kindergaten are still reciting the Imperial Rescript
2. Mein Klemf ( Hitler's so call bible ) is included in their education
3. Abe to amend the constitution
All these actions, are the mind of a very strong believe of Hakko Ichiu.
The Japanese population loves the emperor but hated the Japanese Politicians that brought them the disaster in WW2
The Japanese population today are wonderful people but NOT THE POLITICIANS
Abe's actions tells a different story
1. On Education - kindergaten are still reciting the Imperial Rescript
2. Mein Klemf ( Hitler's so call bible ) is included in their education
3. Abe to amend the constitution
All these actions, are the mind of a very strong believe of Hakko Ichiu.
The Japanese population loves the emperor but hated the Japanese Politicians that brought them the disaster in WW2
Wimpi Handoko
Wouldn't you think this somehow smells of someone up north murking the water for future gain in their south-turned proxy future "ally"?...I think so...That's what you get when you're too nice to an evelasting nemesis....
Goh Jon Hin
When Japan colonized Korea, the north was included. The forced labourers were taken from all over the Korean peninsula.
Was this so-called "compensation of wartime forced labourers" meted out to and agreed by the north?
If not, it was only half-done and half-cooked. The water is still not fully under the bridge.
Was this so-called "compensation of wartime forced labourers" meted out to and agreed by the north?
If not, it was only half-done and half-cooked. The water is still not fully under the bridge.
I Love Video Games
This is to teach any warring countries that what they did in their wars adventures will create a mess for their descendants. Think twice before they start a war as their decendants will have to pay for it.
Adeline Cheo
Japan tried to conquer the world by WAR but lost heavily due to their MONSTROUS ARMIES Wicked Acts Of Cruelties whichever Countries they attack, BUT they did managed to conquer the World Through Economy!
Their wartime atrocities shall never be forgotten!
Their wartime atrocities shall never be forgotten!
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