(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) Singapore need to :-
- expand our land (eg. building our Tuas port),
- build barrier to elevate our coastline - to prevent rising sea level that will cause flood
- go underground
- build upwards to maximise our land to cater for growing population.
(2) Thus we will need sand for our land reclaimation or development.
(3) We can import sand from other Countries if Malaysia ban export.
(4) Or we can buy silica sands (as reported here) - from many World suppliers.
(5) Silica sands are granule from limestone, rocks or quartz - and are used by many Countries for land reclaimation.
(6) So we are not worried about the Malaysia ban of sand.
- expand our land (eg. building our Tuas port),
- build barrier to elevate our coastline - to prevent rising sea level that will cause flood
- go underground
- build upwards to maximise our land to cater for growing population.
(2) Thus we will need sand for our land reclaimation or development.
(3) We can import sand from other Countries if Malaysia ban export.
(4) Or we can buy silica sands (as reported here) - from many World suppliers.
(5) Silica sands are granule from limestone, rocks or quartz - and are used by many Countries for land reclaimation.
(6) So we are not worried about the Malaysia ban of sand.
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Danny Lum
(1) This is another lesson our neighbor taught us - not to rely on only 1 Country or 1 supplier - for our needs.
(2) We need to diversify our supplies with many Countries and suppliers - so that if one supplier ban our supplies - we can rely on other sources --- and not be held hostage.
(2) We need to diversify our supplies with many Countries and suppliers - so that if one supplier ban our supplies - we can rely on other sources --- and not be held hostage.
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K Tan Don
Great..please source from other guys will definitely be able to find alternative more argument.
Danny Lum
K Tan Don -
(1) You say - "Wow, we only intend to protect our environment."
(2) But that is not what you think :-
"There is also a huge domestic demand for sea sand as Penang, Malacca and Negri Sembilan have embarked on reclamation projects, he added."
-- Is this protecting "your environment"?
(3) Anyway we don't need your Malaysia sand.
(4) Similarly, we are also sourcing many alternatives - food sources plus many other things from other Countries or growing our own food - so that we become less and less reliant on Malaysia and import less from Malaysia.
(5) Singapore has embarked on Agrotechnology - hi-tech vertical farming. These agriculture parks have a total land area of 1,465 hectares. Close to 600 hectares have been allocated to over 200 farms to produce livestock, eggs, milk, aquarium and food fish, vegetables, fruits, orchids, ornamental and aquatic plants, and breeding of birds and dogs.
We are also exporting some of this overseas.
(6) Singapore R&D lab has successfully culture chicken meat from chicken cells - without slaughtering live chicken.
The chicken meat taste exactly like live chicken.
(7) Our lab will go on to culture pig, duck, fish, beef and mutton --- and soon we need not import any poultry or fish from Malaysia --- and can be self-reliant on our self-developed food.
(8) This mean Singapore will stop importing multi-billions of dollars of food and vege from Malaysia - and Singapore can start exporting some of our high quality local produce overseas.
(1) You say - "Wow, we only intend to protect our environment."
(2) But that is not what you think :-
"There is also a huge domestic demand for sea sand as Penang, Malacca and Negri Sembilan have embarked on reclamation projects, he added."
-- Is this protecting "your environment"?
(3) Anyway we don't need your Malaysia sand.
(4) Similarly, we are also sourcing many alternatives - food sources plus many other things from other Countries or growing our own food - so that we become less and less reliant on Malaysia and import less from Malaysia.
(5) Singapore has embarked on Agrotechnology - hi-tech vertical farming. These agriculture parks have a total land area of 1,465 hectares. Close to 600 hectares have been allocated to over 200 farms to produce livestock, eggs, milk, aquarium and food fish, vegetables, fruits, orchids, ornamental and aquatic plants, and breeding of birds and dogs.
We are also exporting some of this overseas.
(6) Singapore R&D lab has successfully culture chicken meat from chicken cells - without slaughtering live chicken.
The chicken meat taste exactly like live chicken.
(7) Our lab will go on to culture pig, duck, fish, beef and mutton --- and soon we need not import any poultry or fish from Malaysia --- and can be self-reliant on our self-developed food.
(8) This mean Singapore will stop importing multi-billions of dollars of food and vege from Malaysia - and Singapore can start exporting some of our high quality local produce overseas.
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Danny Lum
(1) Oh the only thing we have not start cultivating - is to culture "MaoSanWang durian".
(2) This is not urgent - no durian - Singaporeans won't die of hunger.
Maybe next time.
(2) This is not urgent - no durian - Singaporeans won't die of hunger.
Maybe next time.
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Danny Lum
(1) Now know why we need agriculture despite land constraint?
(2) Because people can starve us like how people deprive us from water.
(2) Because people can starve us like how people deprive us from water.
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Oja Jr M Z
Danny Lum Perhaps SG should consider reducing "importing" too many ungrateful "permanent residents" 😉 Shouldn't waste precious resources too easily.... 😏
Brian Soh
K Tan Don Please ask all your countrymen who has their CPF in Singapore to get the F out of my country and go back and rot. All you money grabbers are here in Singapore just to take away real Singaporeans' livelihood while send monies back to Malaysia to buy houses, cars and all. Who is the one indirectly pushing your own economy beyond your mat-salehs' and living-on-corrupt-handouts certain ONE MAJOR group in your own country? Just take and go :)
Anonei Antunei
K Tan Don Mahathir is an envious person.. Singapore is an example of what honest and capable government could do to advance in a rapid speed.He will do anything to slow down our progress.
He hated Lee Kuan Yew for making him look impotence and dirty
He hated Lee Kuan Yew for making him look impotence and dirty
K Tan Don
Brian Soh : Our government has made it clear this sand export ban is to protect our environment..if you want to take hostile steps, we can do it also. You close the tap, we drain the pond.. We close our border, land, sea and air space, everything. We telling you nicely that this ban is to protect our environment, you want to pick up a fight..can't you see both side of government is always in negotiation to prevent quarrels and prevent tension ? And here you are threatening us again with your nonsense !! Sure our workers will take back CPF money, but we will close our borders happy ? Stupid people like you cannot talk nicely...go on, continue be hostile to us..We might not be as rich and successful as you but please don't threaten us..u screw our people..we will not sit back doing guys just can't accept people position and like to speculate things..oh yeah, we will be grateful if your side can honour and revise the water tariff. .the water agreement allows for one time price revision..that hasn't taken place.
Lay Poh Lim
Do you trust their denial that their target is not on us
Lim Chye Hock Phillip
K Tan Don export to SG is to protect your environment. But same sand used for Penang, Malacca, Negri Sembilan is ok for your environment!! What F... excuse is that.
K Tan Don
Lim Chye Hock Phillip : Please lah..that is for own domestic use...can you use other example to complain..our own sand to be used domestically only..we have to restrict the sand mine from sea for domestically usage..come on man...where we got our sand from ? From the sea..Singapore is surrounded by the why don't you mine your own sand ?
Georgie Tan
I thought it has been ban many years ago including Indonesia, anyway SG still alive with all the trouble given by these countries because we have brain and use it to overcome issue. Like water we are getting better and never go to war although it is expensive.
Georgie Tan
I think the new HDB flat also used less sand many years ago because of the ban. The bedroom wall are not using sand and cement.
Brian Soh
Just say it...don't need to be so politicially cordial in that aggressiveness. Just bring it on. I'm sure you folks will just generate more resentment towards your already deep-shit-mess PH government from across the Causeway.
Lim Chye Hock Phillip
K Tan Don there is no other reason. It's so outright obvious since day one of his PMship.
Reply · 12m
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