(Updated: )

Danny Lum
Posted in :- 20 Jul 2019 06:19PM
Danny Lum
(1) With ePMD causing many fires at home and now taking away lives ---- wonder should it be the right time for LTA to issue an order for owners of all ePMD that does not meet the fire safety certification to turn in their ePMD for disposal.
(2) Owners should not be charging their ePMD without fire safety certification at home.
(3) Or should a programme or scheme - for retailer to exchange a non-certified ePMD for a fire safety certified ePMD with say a 20% discount?
---- a foot for thought ..... as lives and home safety is more important than owning a ePMD not fire safety certified that will burn home and kill lives.....
Danny Lum
(1) With ePMD causing many fires at home and now taking away lives ---- wonder should it be the right time for LTA to issue an order for owners of all ePMD that does not meet the fire safety certification to turn in their ePMD for disposal.
(2) Owners should not be charging their ePMD without fire safety certification at home.
(3) Or should a programme or scheme - for retailer to exchange a non-certified ePMD for a fire safety certified ePMD with say a 20% discount?
---- a foot for thought ..... as lives and home safety is more important than owning a ePMD not fire safety certified that will burn home and kill lives.....
Vincent Tan
Used to be only electrical goods with safety marks sold in Singapore. Sigh, standards have dropped over the years causing problems to fellow Singaporeans.
Justin Lee
Strongly agree.
As long as the Gov allow the sale & use of PMD, more people will die & injure from fire caused by charging of PMD and traffic accidents! LTA will push the issues to Town Council & vice versa.
There is an urgency to debate on the issue of PMD for public safety in the coming Parliament. Singapore is no longer save with PMD around, especially elderly & young children.
Those who agree, pls click like for those who died & injured because of PMD. We can be the next victim!
As long as the Gov allow the sale & use of PMD, more people will die & injure from fire caused by charging of PMD and traffic accidents! LTA will push the issues to Town Council & vice versa.
There is an urgency to debate on the issue of PMD for public safety in the coming Parliament. Singapore is no longer save with PMD around, especially elderly & young children.
Those who agree, pls click like for those who died & injured because of PMD. We can be the next victim!
Edward Haxor
Justin Lee Bullshit. No idea why people can get so extreme over evolved mobility mode of transport. Simply BUY and USE the certified ones and these crap wont happen much. I vote you down.
Mdm Zhu
Why is it so hard to ban escooter? I feel in the past our legislation used to be decisive, logical, and no-nonsense, e.g. the banning of chewing gum. Since escooter cause more harm than chewing gum, shouldn't it be banned? I never imagined that my country would 1 day be so unsafe till I need to "watch my back" whenever I walk on the streets, and that my flat could be burnt down anytime...
Edward Haxor
This is the Year 2019. Gum was banned decades ago, over a stupid incident. PMDs are an evolved mode of transport that is essential, and also carbon reducing. After the mandatory new rule comes into effect in 2021, fire incidents will be greatly reduced.
As for walking on streets, you need to watch your back no matter PMDs or Bicycles or even Skateboards. It pays to be on alert ALWAYS.
Do also prepare yourself for the era of Flying Cars, Aerial vehicles, and hoverboards. Those are in line to come up within the next 5-20 years.
As for walking on streets, you need to watch your back no matter PMDs or Bicycles or even Skateboards. It pays to be on alert ALWAYS.
Do also prepare yourself for the era of Flying Cars, Aerial vehicles, and hoverboards. Those are in line to come up within the next 5-20 years.
Singh Prem
My previous comment on previous incidents had highlighted the danger to lives, not only of those in the offending unit, but also those in neighbouring units. I further said that many do not take out public liability cover, and we are not even sure if insurers would pay in such cases if there is such insurance cover. In my comment on the last incident, i mentioned fire will take place again, and, sadly, it took place pretty fast with this new case. When will our Government wake up and do the right thing, to save lives and prevent accidents. The solution is plain to see - ban these devices completely, or expect more explosive incidents causing probably deaths, grave injuries and extensive property damage. The innocents suffer the most. So, i wonder, again, which HDB unit is next after this latest one!!!
Edward Haxor
The decision was made and it is final. Many industries are dependant on these devices to function. Your call for permanent banning will also result in a massive loss of jobs, thereby, creating a chain of events that brings bad karma for people like you.
Learn to adapt, spread the word on safety, not just simply ban ban ban.
Learn to adapt, spread the word on safety, not just simply ban ban ban.
Singh Prem
Edward Haxor when a policy mistake is made, learn to acknowledge it and reverse it, even if it will be an unpopular move to some. That's what adaptation means. Be flexible and not be rigid. It is foolhardy to go along with your reasoning, as you would rather allow for more mishaps to occur because you think once a decision is made, it is irrevocable. That is not good governance, nor a good way of leading a nation forward.
Tommie Vale
Every day, destruction from such fires. There's no need for enemies to attack Singapore. These PMDs are the bombs in homes.
Edward Haxor
Bombs? Not really. On a scale of how many incidents of fire vs how many homes Singapore has, the ratio is still small and not capitally sound to ban PMDs permanently. Instead, more safety and regulations should be introduced. Selfish people like you, will pick the short cut way to simply Ban. Not even thinking of the result if a total ban happens.
Niko Nishi
Now PMD has become a potential fire hazard. The authorities should take action to ensure the fire saftey of these devices.
Edward Haxor
Yes, LTA has introduced a new line of safety marked devices that is mandatory to be changed on the Year 2021. As many people who’s rice bowl depends on such mode of transport, the ruling cannot be implemented immediately. As that would be unfair for users that has recently purchased a new device just to make a living. As people living here, we need to learn patience and how to adapt.
Ong Ch
Strong legalisation must be put in place soon. We r just sitting ducks waiting for fire to happen. One unit problem become so many innocent people problem.
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Tamilarasan Tamil
Our government and HDB has to show some urgency to tackle these PMDs causing fire in HDB units and subjecting the neighbours into undue stress and danger before more such fire incidents occurs again.
Kee Wee Lee
How many poor family being the victims of so call the intelligence device. Can SG elite officers look at it seriously. Now a day I have to be half awake to ensure my neighbors PMD not started the fire dance in the middle of my dream.
Georgie Lee
I am tired of talking about this PMDs. LTA always think they know better. PMDs are allowed to carry passenger. Wait there will come a day when the rider and passenger will get pin under the bus. HDB should not allow them to park along the corridor. Do not wait until another fire to take action.
Andrew Tan
Funny how the SCDF's fire safety tips do not include getting yourself a suitable fire extinguisher.
Georgie Tan
With all these fire going on by the faulty battery done by irresponsible owner, for sure the HOME INSURANCE price will go up and innocent people and homeowner will have to pay. Just like people and doctor who misused the insurance cover and now innocent people are paying more. What is the Govt going to do now? Nothing or what? Partly Govt fault.
Weng Cheong Lee
Now the LTA pushes the responsibility to the public to use apps to catch errant PMD riders... and then let the public and the PMD riders fight in the streets. All these Ministries are "taichi" kings.
Christopher Bong
The fault lies with the lax or non existence of quality control of these PMDs being imported. These machines was simply brought in and sold without proper checks. Only after numerous accidents and fires, did the government set standards and safety feature. The government is not proactive and only closed the barn doors after all the horse that left the stables. Now with all the accidents, death and fires, the government is still sitting on their hands and doing nothing. It is time this government wakes up or be kick out.
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