(Updated: )

Lee Mae
A 93 year- old so capable to ably got back so much for Malaysia, and yet people are not appreciative of him!!!
Danny Lum
Lee Mae -
(1) You say in the musang durian post that - Malaysia will cooperate wholeheartedly with China for massive gain.
(2) Now in the same breath, you hail your M to flip flop to get back at China.
(3) You are as spineless and flip flop as much as your M.
(4) And to tell you frankly, China never trust your M.
(1) You say in the musang durian post that - Malaysia will cooperate wholeheartedly with China for massive gain.
(2) Now in the same breath, you hail your M to flip flop to get back at China.
(3) You are as spineless and flip flop as much as your M.
(4) And to tell you frankly, China never trust your M.
Lee Mae
Singapore needs many of this sort, 93 year-olds!!!
Georgie Lee
You dare compare Malaysia with Singapore? Malaysia sells durians. Singapore sells brain which none of you have. Singapore has vast investments in China and around the globe. What has Malaysia? Mana Ada system is on the verge of going bankrupt.Singapore Airline is buying more planes. Singapore Airline is the best airline in the world. Our airports is the best in the world. Our seaport is busiest in the world. Scondly only Shanghai i think. Singpore build own naval vessels, armoured cars and weapons. Malaysia manufactured motor cars in joint venture. Your civil servants do not earn more than our cleaners in hawker centers. One Singapore dollar is equivalent to three ringgits. MALAYSIA BOLEH. BOLEH APA? Tell your 94 year old snake to be more respectful of Singapore. Our PM and Ministers can present themselves and can speak at International Convention and at the UN. Yes, your 94 year old snake can speak at the UN but only on the subject of corruption aimed at Najib. We had no problem with Malaysia when Najib was the PM. I was told Najib will be pardon and will be relected again at the next GE as PM.
Georgie Lee
Once the Chinese stop buying durians all the farmers will have to sell the durians at sales price to Singapore. Otherwise, it will be left to rot. China will know how to deal with this 94 year old snake
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