(Updated: )

Danny Lum
(1) To determine if a person possess the level of competency who has taken a course - one must take an exam or test.
(2) Else how to determine if a person is competent with the subjects he/she has undertaken.
(3) When exam or test is not required - no one can tell if that person really put their heart to learn the subject or topic.
(4) It may end up the kids will not take their subjects seriously - and everyone if only interested in playing but not learning.
(5) When this happen, our education system will fail.
(6) Even for many professional certification programme, candidate must take a test or exam to determine whether he pass or fail - before he/she is awarded the cert.
(7) Thus SDP proposal to scrap the PSLE - is flaw and may cause our education system to fail - and our economy may fail to produce skilled workforce for the business.
(2) Else how to determine if a person is competent with the subjects he/she has undertaken.
(3) When exam or test is not required - no one can tell if that person really put their heart to learn the subject or topic.
(4) It may end up the kids will not take their subjects seriously - and everyone if only interested in playing but not learning.
(5) When this happen, our education system will fail.
(6) Even for many professional certification programme, candidate must take a test or exam to determine whether he pass or fail - before he/she is awarded the cert.
(7) Thus SDP proposal to scrap the PSLE - is flaw and may cause our education system to fail - and our economy may fail to produce skilled workforce for the business.
AhLauz Lauz
Can think of something better? Like CPF contribution rates for Above 55, why it is lower but contrary to Income Tax, there's no lower but expecting the senior to pay more Income Tax if their income passed 28k annually? Or is the govt expecting those Above 55 to earn less than this to survive.
Ordinary Singaporean
Well done Benjamin Pwee and Paul
Tambyah, you have hit two jackpot, nationalised pre school so whole society on even playing field for our youngest singaporean poor or rich of all races and religions and help procreation which pap had failed badly for years. Earlier they have ng chee meng but this guy did nothing to change the policies for young education matters now earning millions as ntuc chief. Pap got good for nothing paper generals. Secondly removing PSLE is also good as nowhere on earth this examination is done, it remove again an unlevel playing field. Removing it is the right way forward. PSLE is a weapon of streaming between the have and have not and is an elitist tools. Children are too young to be stream. Again ng chee meng failed badly did not dare to do it, because they cannot understand deeply and fail to know that this caused social division. SDP on right course for singapore generations to come. I will vote for my children and grand children future with SDP on this. Well done. Furthermore our baby bonus to cover at least the first 2-3 years for the wirking parents so singaporean dare to produce more babies now. Imagine, we need boys for army, and every two birth, only one is male for army. With this baby bonus to cover the child till age 3, then nationalised pre school and remove PSLE, entire singapore singaporean rich or poor fast or slow are at level playing field. It give children time to mature in their learning. Well done! My entire family will vote for you! Hurray, finally can see lights only from oppositions, pap given so much chances and years failed badly.
Tambyah, you have hit two jackpot, nationalised pre school so whole society on even playing field for our youngest singaporean poor or rich of all races and religions and help procreation which pap had failed badly for years. Earlier they have ng chee meng but this guy did nothing to change the policies for young education matters now earning millions as ntuc chief. Pap got good for nothing paper generals. Secondly removing PSLE is also good as nowhere on earth this examination is done, it remove again an unlevel playing field. Removing it is the right way forward. PSLE is a weapon of streaming between the have and have not and is an elitist tools. Children are too young to be stream. Again ng chee meng failed badly did not dare to do it, because they cannot understand deeply and fail to know that this caused social division. SDP on right course for singapore generations to come. I will vote for my children and grand children future with SDP on this. Well done. Furthermore our baby bonus to cover at least the first 2-3 years for the wirking parents so singaporean dare to produce more babies now. Imagine, we need boys for army, and every two birth, only one is male for army. With this baby bonus to cover the child till age 3, then nationalised pre school and remove PSLE, entire singapore singaporean rich or poor fast or slow are at level playing field. It give children time to mature in their learning. Well done! My entire family will vote for you! Hurray, finally can see lights only from oppositions, pap given so much chances and years failed badly.
Foong Mun Loh
Tun Osman .......WOOF.......WOOF.......nothing PAP does is new, they just copy other countries......and then pay themselves obscene salaries by bullshitting that they're so talented......nothing but copycats.....
Joseph Convergence
Tun Osman 👍 brief and sweet. Aku Tuan recommend ru Tun Tun to stand for election. Aku support ru.
Niko Nishi
We all have to accept that they will never be a level playing field when it comes to education. Rich parents can afford to start educating their children younger and with the best quality ones available. They can provide them with better norishment and environment for better and helathier growth. Even with these advantages, some still are unable to make it to the local unis and have to do their degrees overseas, while the less advantage ones can make it to.
This leads to the second most important truth we all have to learn to accept. Not all children are degree materials and do not need to be a degree holder to be successful and happy in life.
Scapping exams and providing alternative education policy are the easiest tasks to propose but eventually the system must be able to fairly assign children to the various primary, secondary, post secondary, and tertiary institutions that to maixmise their potentials..
This leads to the second most important truth we all have to learn to accept. Not all children are degree materials and do not need to be a degree holder to be successful and happy in life.
Scapping exams and providing alternative education policy are the easiest tasks to propose but eventually the system must be able to fairly assign children to the various primary, secondary, post secondary, and tertiary institutions that to maixmise their potentials..
Tun Osman
Haha what a joker these 2 are. The economy is having fever yet they talk about something not relevant. No idea already hah ? So desperate party (SDP).
Ken Kevin
Ya, true and agreed as they have zero expose in how the global economy is behaving.
Wondering these two have any better solution or ideas than current? Smaller class, is ideal, do they have any ideas where to get more educators? DOn;t just talk and talk or oppose something which they themselves have no solution at all. Talk is cheap and easy, BUT, we need constructive ideas and solution, not just oppose.
Wondering these two have any better solution or ideas than current? Smaller class, is ideal, do they have any ideas where to get more educators? DOn;t just talk and talk or oppose something which they themselves have no solution at all. Talk is cheap and easy, BUT, we need constructive ideas and solution, not just oppose.
Paul Tan
Singapore's Private Consumption contribution to Nominal GDP ratiofrom Dec 1957 to Dec 2018, with an average share of 45.8 %. The data reached an all-time high of 90.4 % in Dec 1961 and a record low of 34.9 % in Dec 2018. The number decline for many years despite of population increases. This show that confidence to spend is declining. It is time to cut GST and income tax to boost Private Consumption.
William Leong
Good ideas to start discussions on this. For the long term future of the country.
Foong Mun Loh
Oppo parties shouldn't give PAP ideas lah.........if good ideas implemented.......Goondu Sinkies will only think PAP is responsible.........
Brian Soh
IF opposition can come up with good ideas that are feasible to the nation, why should they keep mum about it? This is exactly why oppositions failed to secure more seats that they should have. And you have undermined Singaporeans when you reply to this (including the opposition voters) to be stupid and have no eyes, ears or brain to look, hear and think respectively to constructive and sensible feedback/suggestions.
You for one is a online keyboard goondu.
You for one is a online keyboard goondu.
Joseph Convergence
I dislike Sinkies Politics ...
Time to throw away all Politicians...
Re-invent a system of governance with objectivity only.
Disposed all the useless unnecessary.
... politics.
Time to throw away all Politicians...
Re-invent a system of governance with objectivity only.
Disposed all the useless unnecessary.
... politics.
Joseph Convergence
TAX needs to be directed at PRODUCE.
Luxury produce tax 25%
Intermediate produce tax 15%
Basic produce - no tax
SALARY CAP - no more than a maximum of $300k per person per annum. (I don't believe in Superman - i believer man are more or less the same)
Nationsl Orientation - share the fruits of our nation.
Free Nation , Free Free Free.
Whoever can achieve above will become the head of state.
No more voting...our governance shall be open for Foriegn Talent to contest. Let Foriegn Talent contribute to our society. I hope a Malaysian or Philippino can become a Governor of S'pore.
😂😂😂 signoff
Luxury produce tax 25%
Intermediate produce tax 15%
Basic produce - no tax
SALARY CAP - no more than a maximum of $300k per person per annum. (I don't believe in Superman - i believer man are more or less the same)
Nationsl Orientation - share the fruits of our nation.
Free Nation , Free Free Free.
Whoever can achieve above will become the head of state.
No more voting...our governance shall be open for Foriegn Talent to contest. Let Foriegn Talent contribute to our society. I hope a Malaysian or Philippino can become a Governor of S'pore.
😂😂😂 signoff
Joseph Convergence
Who is affected ?
Whether economy is good or depress - who is always affected & who is not affected.
Help the affected & make amendment for non-affected.
Whether economy is good or depress - who is always affected & who is not affected.
Help the affected & make amendment for non-affected.
Weng Cheng Ye
If PSLE is to be kept, once a kid make it, he/she should be allowed to try the 'O' level. As such superannuation policy should be removed regardless, at least they can resit the examination when they are enlisted and wanted to go for the basic qualification no matter how mediocre people would think they are.
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