Friday, July 26, 2019

Tan Cheng Bock says new party will be 'unifying alternative' for Singapore

 (Updated: )

Tan Cheng Bock has a substantial fan base. This is GOOD.

Tan and his party have a good chance of winning something at the next GE, provided he has the imagination, the big-mindedness and the talent (like LKY) catch the political wind and soar with it.

Has Tan what it takes be a winner ?

Too early to tell.
He has not displayed anything yet ...that he can win over voters from PAP and workers party.

Telling Singaporeans that Singapore is suffering from a loss of transparency, independence and accountability NOT exactly captivating and persuasive.
He has to do much better.

The Workers' party, under its new in danger of losing Aljunied GRC... He is NOT as good as old faithful Low.

This is the opportunity for Tan to take over as the leader of the opposition. Many disappointed Singaporeans are keen to see...more opposition members in the next parliament. They are willing to support Tan...provided he has what it win them over.
(1) Yes, the chances of WP losing Aljunied GRC is relatively high.

(2) TCB party does not have what it takes to rule Singapore.

(3) More like a 杂牌军。

(4) Singapore has now entered into a more highly sophisticated Economy, characterised by high-tech, digital Economy, innovation.

(5) TCP party and even WP --- does not have the materials and pre-requisite sophistication to govern and run the Economy.
Tan Tan
Hey Danny Lum TCB have the ability or not u will know once he won more than 50% votes !
Weng Cheng Ye
Danny Lum Did he said he wanted to rule Singapore?
Danny Lum
Tan Tan -
(1) He has been MP all his life - and he does not has the mettle to be a Minister, not even a Minister-of-State.

(2) Even if he win a seat - it does not make him a quality to be a Minister.

(3) An MP only file question in Parliament and don't formulate policies.

(4) Since when did MP WP formulate any policies in Parliament?
Ans :- None

(5) Anyone can remember TCB formulate any policies in Parliament when he was an MP for so many years?

(6) So are voters so naive - as to hand their future to someone that is not of Minister quality or his party to run Singapore?
Jm Chow
Danny Lum ....
When Tan was a PAP MP...he was expected to support all PAP policies (good and bad) be a Yes-Man MP.
I am sure know why he was NOT made a minister.

When he ran against Tony Tan...he almost won..against the whole machinery of PAP. He has a little of the X factor win people over to his side. Hence his strong base.

Tan's age a factor against him. He is no Trump... and Singapore is not the US.

To many voters, including me...we like Tan to lead his new party to win more seats in the Parliament... not just to strengthen the peoples' voices...but to stop PAP from changing laws at will. (a few real stupid laws recently)

Will Tan rise to this challenge ?

I am sure.. he would want to win. The question is whether he has the abilities beat PAP ... in standing against the PAP powerful establishment .

The times is in Tan's favour...the populism wind which is sweeping strongly across the world. It is NOT enough just pointing out PAP weakness...and shortcomings... Tan need to have much more innate abilities and talent... and to do much more.

It is his ability to do what Nigel Farage and Trump had done ... to fire up the people's passion and their demands for get rid of the stale old established elites and their no good policies... clear the swamps...and giving the people a better deal (The rich elites has gotten over 90% the result of our sweat and hard work..the workers ...the poor Singaporean have gotten only peanuts for too long.)

Has Tan got what it takes persuade Singapore voters.. or is he just another not-so-good hard working but ordinary politician.

Is Tan the one...we are waiting for ?
Danny Lum
Jm Chow -
(1) I don't think TCB has the mettle.

Many PAP MPs once elected have been appointed Minister, Minister-of-State, Parliamentary Secretary etc (appointment holders) - as they displayed Minister qualtiy.
TCB has not (being street smart and able to muster political support --- does not necessary make him a good Minister).

(2) Singaporeans has gone sophisticated and smarter - than putting their future on populist parties.

(3) In a recent feedback forum, a good many has "slam" the ruling parties for some policies that they are not happy about.

For a while I thought I have gone to a wrong forum - an opposition forum that is design to "slam" the ruling party.

(4) When asked point blank will they vote for the oppositions - the good many say they will still vote for the ruling party as the oppositions are not good enough - they just want to "slam" the ruling party - in the hope they can "adjust" the policies that make them happy.
But when come to the crutch - they are smart enough who to vote for.

Bruce Kky
Jm chow, because of all these so you mean you want to let the ruling pap 为所欲为? We must be dare to change. Lky was also an opposition before. Nobody starts as a know-all. They must be given a chance. Low, Sylvia, Singh, Huat, Chen, Lian, etc are all eg and they learn and shine. We must have a balance of power before we go into a 1 party rule or near imperialist rule.
Peter Hung
Danny Lum The final count of votes speak for itself, now we don't know yet.
Georgie Lee
Danny Lum He is a fighter cock that is why the PAP put him in the coldstore. It is because of this he is out to seek revenge. Nothing else.
Raymond Goh
Danny Lum Well Said. Trying to be an Opportunist.
Seng Wan Tan
Danny Lum 1) So I cannot formulate policy??? 2) I disagree that only the "high flyer" (that you implying) can formulate policy or good policy. I believed it must be a team effort. But definitely someone with a touch with the ground will help. 3) I seriously am not sure the present 4G team can make it too... my personal opinion... too many philosophers rather than executioners, losing touch with the ground and reality, lost fo transparency and accountability 4) TCB was not greedy... I do not think he wants to rule... like you said (slam the ruling party but in a positive way) he hopes to deny the 2/3 majority (I hope I am reading him correctly)
Seng Wan Tan
Georgie Lee Mnnnnnnnn... at this age to seek revenge??? Mnnnnnnn...:)
Seng Wan Tan -
(1) For 26 years as MP - TCB has the PAP machinery as a team to help him to formulate policies - if TCB has the leadership.
Did TCB come out with any workable policies - that make him stand out to be appointed as Minister or Minister-of-State or Parliamentary Secretaries?

Ans :- None

(2) Then what make you think now at 79 years ago - TCB can think of meaningful and workable policies - to run Singapore characterise by sophisticated Economy, high-tech, digital economies, innovation ?

(3) Can he understand the Economy enough for him to provide the leadership to sniff out opportunities, understand the threat we are facing, utilitse cutting edge technologies - have the vision to lead his new form PSP parties ----- to run Singapore like what the PAP do?

Seriously TCB can?

If TCB with all the brains in PAP can't - what make you think now TCB with his newly form PSP can?

I seriously doubt so.

Danny Lum
Eg :-
(1) How TCB help all traditional industries transform to embrace Digital Economy - eg. digital analystics, AI, NLP, robotics, mobile apps, web apps etc and open up a new sector of the Economy for each industries (TCB is a doctor - does he even understand all these terminologies and understand its significance - or whether his PSP parteis have such knowledge to lead Singapore?_

(2) Does TCB and his PSP party know how and understand how to apply and adjust Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy - to tackle the slowdown of our Economy to ensure soft-landing, keep business afloat and grow and keep jobs?
Does TCB and his PSP party understand the economic principles, national finances to formulate good economic and financial policies to sustain Singapore Economy?

(3) Singapore is facing tremendous pressure to maintain our port hub status - with advent of new trade route eg. Arctic route (that will totally bypass our port), land route (silk route) etc.
How does TCB and his PSP party consolidate and ensure Singapore port hub is not threatened?

PAP's strategy is using "virtual port" --- does TCB and his PSP party even understand what is it - to ensure Singapore port hub and our livelihood are safeguarded?

(4) Singapore is one of the world financial hub - but now under threat from "virtual banking", "technology companies disruptive tech - cryptocurrency - that will threaten our Monetary Policy".

How does TCB and PSP party counter this threat and maintain Singapore as our financial hub?

(5) Singapore is facing a falling birth rate - and this will compromise our future National Security - as there will be lesser Singaporeans to be enlisted in NS to protect our Country.

How will TCB and his PSP party solve the manpower issue - by ensuring we have a strong army even though with lesser manpower.

PAP has solution. What about TCB and PSP?

(6) How does TCB and his PSP make use of 5G to make Singapore a competitve country, bolster our vision of Smart Nation and transform all our industries with a 2nd wing of Digital Economy?

Does TCB and his PSP party know enough of tech comm and IT - to understand and exploit it to improve Singapore standard of living.

(7) Trump's trade war against China and many Countries have threatened and will derail the Global Supply Chain.
Singapore is a very integral part of this Global Supply Chain and our trade make up of 3 times of our whole GDP.

How does TCB and his PSP party - ensure that Singapore will not be derail from the Global Supply Chain - and can re-configure ourselves to plug into the Global Supply Chain as we re-adjust?

PAP can. Can TCB and PSP party can?

(8) I can go on to write more and more - as there are so many challenges and opportunities that we can tap on ---- but does TCB and his PSP party up to mark and up to standard to tackle them?

Seriously you think TCB and his PSP party can do a LKY?
If he can't do it for his last 26 years as PAP MP --- at 79 years ago --- i don't think he can.

Anyone who has reasonable wisdom think he can?

Seng Wan Tan
Danny Lum I admire your reply... this is just one angle from the "economy" angle... there are many real issues on the ground... come to my office if you have time and I will show you many real issues in the "hospital arena" or my other office where I can share with you the real issues in the "education arena". I have said, "I want to do vs I have the energy to do." I can see that you have a lot of energy and is good for SG. I am sure you are passionate about SG, I am passionate about SG and I am very sure TCB is also passionate about SG. Do not write him off. Let him have an opportunity to share with us his plan (maybe at the end of the day it might not be good enough but at least he tries). You never try, you never know. Worst, you never try, you will never know you can. As I am getting older, my energy level is decreasing and I can feel it BUT I am very sure I am getting wiser. :)
Danny Lum
Seng Wan Tan -
(1) I am not a politician, I will not "walk the ground" and actively involve in those municipal or trivial issue.
I leave it to the good hands of politician to do it.

(2) I am not sure there are big issues or so many issues involving the "education arena" or "health arena" that are not resolved and need special attention.
As far as I know :-
(i) children are given opportunities to "go as high as possible - Universities, Polys, JCs, ITEs" and acquire the skills they need to enter workforce - and I have so many examples of these all around me.
I don't see any child facing problem
 with it.

(ii) health and hospital - many of us are givien access to health treatment and as far as I know - no one is deny access to healthcare when they are sick.
So i am not sure why you say there are so many issues in "health arena".

(3) A good politician should be able to articulate whether in writing or in speech what are the problems are, why is it not solved and how to solve it.
If a politician can't do it - then he is not a good politician - and voters are wise enough to size him up.

(4) Well TCB say he has a plan to govern Singapore - I will wait for it ---- and see whether he can "wow" Singapore voters.
Throughout his 26 years old MP services --- he has not impressed me except that he is a well like MP on the ground - but nothing fantastic about making policies that put Singapore in a good stead.

Let see his incoming plan will surprise me and the Singaporean voters or not.

(5) For me, i am not impressed if politicians say "let me try" ---- as Governance is not a joke - it deal with the well-being of the Country, everyone's lives and our descendants future.

(6) Politics is not child-play, tikam-tikam or try-try.
If cannot make it, don't try.
Kenny Sting
Sharing the same bed but harbouring different agenda .....Tong Chuang Yi Meng
Albert Wong
加油 尊敬的 Dr Tan Cheng Bock Mr & Mrs LH Yang, A/P Li ShengWu And PSP. Real Political Advancement And Contributions Directly Alleviate The Sufferings Of Everyday Singaporeans And Eliminate Self Serving Politicians Are Always Appreciated. Godspeed!
Vincent Tan
Ever since backing down and allowing casinos into Singapore, we are seen not to be as strong and resilient as before. Even at our poorest then, our brave tough resilient leaders dare to say no to unrighteous casinos. Now we are talking doing the right thing only. Just talking. Until we boot casinos out of Singapore then can say we are doing the right thing for our future.
TCB thumb 👍 up for you and your new PSP party.......Must be Electricfying and Unifying to touch base on the ground with citizen..... Want to see how well this works and progress for next GE and SG lives and life..... We don't want Tan Tan Tan till the longest days but this must be real and fruitful to fight those useless and hopeless Leeches and hypocrite plus lip 😂 seal..... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏good luck and blessing to your party 🎊... 🅰🅰🅰
Nicholas Lawrence Zhao
PSP = PlayStation Party
Albert Wong
NLZ = Nasty Lawless Zombie
Kenny Sting
Unifying on what ???? So elderly where got energy left.....maybe just a mascot of the party
Joe Joe Bing
Try try and try again. Good.
Tan Alan
Support for ex-PAP-turned-Opposition PSP Dr TCB and his ex-PAP members in "loose coalition" with other opposition parties!!!.... PAKATAN SINGAPORE rising!!!

This is an excellent example of "awakened" 69.9% WITHIN who are REVOLTING!!!

ConscienceLEEHY should join PSP to put his conscience clearly to SINGAPOREANS N SINGAPORE against PAP; not just against a Dishonourable LEE!!!

A DISHONOURABLE SON's massive FEAR N DESPERATION is brewing fast n furious!!!

When is 3rd time cancer imploding?
Soffian Sokemi
Just want to withdraw my cpf...says some uncles under my void deck..they don't care who will win in the next election!!

Tan Tan
Joining hands with all the oppositions is a very good strategy to have ample resources to let people vote at all the contesting wards to put an end to the current shit policies and laws. Tan Cheng Bock 过半高票当选 Over 50% Votes !!! 加油 Cheers !!!

Tan Kwong Moh
If all opposition parties can work together, they will fare better. All the best to Dr Tan and his party as well as all opposition parties....

Brian Soh
Why is PSP (sounds like a playstation variant) full of OLD people? I am worried about the future of SG...
Raymond Chan
PSP, Pay Singaporean Pay
Raymond Chan
Unify who? Unify all the disgruntled old men and women with an axe to grind and personal grudge against the government or establishment. Tan Cheng Bok is going down the hill from a respected PAP MP to a moribund politician. Better retire and enjoy the days
John Low
Be an opposition in Singapore when you have house and wealth, you better look left, look right and look left again.
Just retire and live peacefully and don't create loud noise only with a Pioneer Singapore party full of oldies from the 60s.
If you can get Nicole Seah to come back to contest in your party maybe there is hope you can snatch some peanut from Marine Parade GRC out of the hand of the PAP ( hopefully it remains).
Anyhow just wish you good luck.
Raymond Goh
Singapore already doing well. You are a MF whom is a big traitor to the PAP party who once fed you. Call your self a Dog without tail. The people does not need you but hopefully you will disappear soon before the election cos you are a big trouble maker. Luckily you was never a president of Singapore cos you do not have the integrity of a President By your current behavior, it speaks all that you are unfit to represent the Singapore people.
Foong Mun Loh
aiyah.......Ah Bock had grossly UNDER-estimated....... the stupidity of Sinkies and their ability to take punishment from Puki And Pundek...........
John Low
Be an opposition in Singapore when you have house and wealth, you better look left, look right and look left again.
Just retire and live peacefully and don't create loud noise only with a Pioneer Singapore party full of oldies from the 60s.
If you can get Nicole Seah to come back to contest in your party maybe there is hope you can snatch some peanut from Marine Parade GRC out of the hand of the PAP ( hopefully it remains).
Anyhow just wish you good luck.
Raymond Goh
Singapore already doing well. You are a MF whom is a big traitor to the PAP party who once fed you. Call your self a Dog without tail. The people does not need you but hopefully you will disappear soon before the election cos you are a big trouble maker. Luckily you was never a president of Singapore cos you do not have the integrity of a President By your current behavior, it speaks all that you are unfit to represent the Singapore people.
Foong Mun Loh
aiyah.......Ah Bock had grossly UNDER-estimated....... the stupidity of Sinkies and their ability to take punishment from Puki And Pundek...........

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