Trump suggests meeting Kim Jong Un at Peace House Read more at (Updated: )
Retraining, redeploying workers at risk of displacement a ‘key focus’ of MOM: Josephine Teo Read more at
Retraining, redeploying workers at risk of displacement a ‘key focus’ of MOM: Josephine Teo -- This is a more proactive policies of safeguarding the jobs for Singaporean workers. This policies should not only apply to Singaporean workers that face the risk of being retrenched.
It should also include those Singaporean workers that have already been displaced or retrenched.
To reach out to the retrenched or displaced workers --- need to employ Big Data, MetaData, AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning --- to search the database of such workers and proactively reach out to them.
She noted that in such an environment, the tripartite partners’ shared goal must be twofold: To help every business transform and every worker adapt. While economic agencies are fully activated to implement the Industry Transformation Maps, Mrs Teo said MOM will complement their efforts on two fronts: By enhancing support for businesses, and stepping up efforts to secure better employment outcomes for Singaporeans through the Adapt and Grow initiative. - Of course why this policy come only during this time --- is because ITM (Industry Transformation Maps) has yet to be developed or in the process of being developed.
Now with most of the ITM in placed, then it is the right time to proactively reached out to retrenched workers, displaced workers, under-employed workers, unemployed workers - to get them retrain and redeployed into a more fruitful jobs - that will be good for the workers, for the businesses and for the Economy - and of course this will translate to political support for the Government.
Ricky Lim · Singapore (1) Industry Transformation Map (ITM) - Idea is posted in 2012 to tackle disruptive tech and is adopted by the Government feature in Budget 2016. - Now this idea is used in 23 industries where 15 industries led by one Minister-of-State have undergone transformation and has start to reap positive outcome - as a good number of companies have start to reap growth and profit through the newly transformed business. Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim · Singapore Source of Origin of ITM :-
Ricky Lim · Singapore The following is posted on:-
Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 2:57 PM Ricky Lim REACH RWEB Submission feedback RWEB2012050100010 via the REACH website: To raise productivity,
To raise productivity, everyone has a part to play :- 1. Business invest in capital tools and send workers for training 2. Workers upgrade skills to operate capital tools 3. Govt provide grants, provide good education, married govt R&D bodies with business etc 4. Government work with various industry to devise objective and tangible KPI to allow business, workers, union, gov, schools etc to shoot for the KPI. 5. Govt, business, bright individuals should scout overseas countries and industries that have make their industries productive and bring it back to Singapore and transform our business to be more productive. 6. Union encourage, provide relevant course for workers to upgrade 7. School train students in right course, right skills and married industry with courses. 8. Home, family members, social bodies have to support working members to provide a conducive environment for working members to be productive. 9. Look at whatever else things that can make the nation productive, to be productive. 10. Peg the wage increase vis-à-vis our regions, our competitors, our international competition to ensure that our wage increase are competitive and will not drive away business – causing massive job losses.
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 3:24 PM To: Subject: REACH RWEB Submission: Govt agenices working with industries to devise prodictivity figures
To elaborate further :- (1) Ministry of Comm and iDA – should work with IT industries, foreign IT MNCs, local IT vendors etc to devise objective, tangible KPI productive figures in each technology areas and skillsets vis-à-vis global competition and regional competition – so that IT business and IT workers can target to meet the KPI productivity figures – and peg wage growth in % term and/or absolute term to the productivity figures and business profitability. Communicate this to the IT industries, business, IT workers, Union and schools. Make sure we are competitive with our global competitors and regional competitors. (2) SLA should do the same with construction sector. (3) Ministry of Finanace and MAS should work with the banking and financial sector. etc
ricky l 0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ricky L • a second agoRemove That is, the concept above is how to transform Singapore Economy in 2016 - sector-by-sector (conceptualising the KPI for each sector) ---- and using targeted approach to transform each sector, each industry one by one.
Only then productivity in each sector, in each industry can be successfully transformed - supported by empirical, scientific measures.
Good that after 4 years --- the idea is taken up. Like · Reply · Juvst now
Ricky Lim · Singapore The origin of Industry Transformation Map (ITM)....................... Like · Reply · 1m
Preventing shoebox unit by enacting law to ensure a minimum size of 70 sq m.
Will MND enact a law to prevent property developers from building residential unit to become shoebox unit?
A minimum size of say 70 sq meter is a statutory limit that a developer can build.
This is to prevent stress experience by unit dweller from too small a unit for dweller to move around and build a family.
The Hongkong experience of a shoebox unit has stress out the dweller and Singapore should learn from their experience - so that Singaporeans can stay in a unit that provide them comfort but not stress.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
No formal requests from US, North Korea to host Trump-Kim meeting in Singapore: PM Lee Read more at
Hosting Trump and Kim on denuclearisation talk - will need highly skilful diplomacy ---- as they involved very complex issue. (1) Denuclearisation (2) Korean Peninsula truce to Peace Treaty (3) Korean, Japan hostage issue (4) GeoPolitical issues involving China, Russia, US, Japan - not to mention 2 Koreas. (5) Economic sanctions and how should it be lifted (6) Safety of Trump and Safety of Kim (7) Troops in Korea (8) Missile test
-- any Country who are hosting this Korea denuke talk - need deep understanding of their complex, complicated history ---- as well understanding the underlying "words" of what "denuke means" ----- when it involve more than the peace of 2 Koreas.
It involve "the 2 Big Blocs" and the "nuclear umbrella".
If this talk is to be held in May or early Jun --- it is less than 1 month to prepare --- for such a globalwide interest talk ------ it is not a joke.
S Korean Leader handle the Korean talks very well - because they understand the N Korean Leader's concern - and everything go according to script.
But now we are talking about the mercurial and unpredictable Trump who may not understand Kim - and how to handle them when things suddenly go out of script?
If Singapore is to host this historic (globalwide interest) event - need to convey to both US and N Korea - that they will have to handle this very well.
Singapore cannot be responsible if both go out of script - that led to unfruitful outcome.
1 month is very short - have US and N Korea agreed on all the specific terms beforehand = before the talk is held?
Success or Failure - The devil is in the detail. It also depends on the chemistry of the US Leader and the N Korea Leader.
If Singapore wants to make a mark in the world I will say just do it. There will be gain and risk involved. Having said so much of course we got to be selected first.
Lau Lan Chu My thinking is the same with Ricky... If it turn out sour between mad man Donald Trump and North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un, then will be putting Kim at risk and Singapore as well... To help this meeting in Singapore is a danger to North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un... We certainly don't want a missile shoot to Singapore... you try to be an Mr Nice guy and this is what happen...
So far, Trump has been a persistent international "deal breaker" in many international deals.
Trump is not known to be an "international deal maker" --- which require "win-win outcome", which require "empahty" - "I am ok, You are ok".
Trump is known to be "I win, you lose" - "I am ok, you are not ok" = "is ok to me and to you".
Under such mindset --- it is difficult to achieve success in such a "high stake deal" - a nuclear deal that has a holocaust implication to the World.
Also, every side need to understand the Korean culture, the mindset, the history, the expectations of all sides ---- in this case "2 political blocs" interest - not just the 2 Korean interest. By 12 May we will know how "Iran nuclear deal" will end up with - is a good indication how "high stake deal" will be handle carefully or recklessly - and this will determine if Trump is a "deal maker" or "deal breaker".
Unless Singapore only provide the site and logistic for negotiation - but we do not take part in chairing, mediating, arbitrating, counselling etc in the whole process.
S Korea Leader that are currently working out the roadmap for Trump and Kim talk - is the best person to chair the talk.
Note :- this will only be Part 1.
Other parties who have interest to the talk - such as China, Japan, Russia are not represented - and a Part 2 will need to be included after Part 1 talk is successfully concluded.
Only when this condition arise, can Singapore host the talk.
Else the stake is too high for Singapore - and the time to prepare is just too short and the issue too complex.
The Moon-Kim meeting has raised expectations for Trump's own planned summit with the North Korean leader, the date and location of which have not yet been finalised. Mongolia and Singapore are the final two sites under consideration for the summit, CBS News reported, though Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Saturday that there had been no formal request for Singapore to host the meeting. -- It is confirmed based on news report dated :- 29 Apr 2018 08:40AM that Singapore and Mongolia are the last 2 sites for consideration of the summit.
(1) Mongolia is chosen - believe is the N Korea choice - as it is between China and Russia - reachable by train or car from N Korea and Mongolia is N Korea friendly Nation and both China and Russia are friendly Countries and past allies to N Korea.
(2) Singapore is chosen - believe is the US choice - because Singapore is well-known to be efficient and effective to host International events - and is a "neutral party" for both "political blocs". And US, China, S Korea, N Korea, Japan, Russia --- all have embassies in Singapore.
Even though Singapore is a well developed country it does not recognise the 'freedom of speech', so the meeting should happen in a well civilized country possibly somewhere in Scandinavia !!!
If Singapore does not recognised "freedom of speech" - than what make you think that you can make "untrue statement" in the web and go unchallenged and uncensored?
Important for ASEAN to 'redouble integration and community-building' efforts in order to stay relevant: PM Lee
Making this point at the opening ceremony of the 32nd ASEAN Summit on Saturday (Apr 28), Mr Lee added that the ten-member grouping will also need to find new areas and “fresh commitment” to work together.
ASEAN as a whole - the Economic Community as a Bloc of US$2.3 trillion economy with few hundred million population - will be treated seriously by big Countries with big Economies like China, US, Japan, Korea, India, EU, Australia, Canada, Mexico etc.
If ASEAN Countries operate alone without a big Economic Community - individual Country will be sidelined.
Thus it make Economic sense for ASEAN to be united in Economic front and Security front to make the whole Economic Bloc successful in Economic Integration and Community-building to make ASEAN a vibrant economic bloc.
In addition, if ASEAN Countries close rank for mutual Economic Benefits - there will be lesser fricitions among neighbors and differences can be amicably settle - with focus will be on Economic development and Economic growth - where Peace and Prosperity can be fostered for the whole Asia Pacific region.
“We need to be resilient to both conventional threats, and also unconventional threats such as terrorism and cyber-attacks,” he said, noting that cyber-attacks are increasing amidst the push for digitalisation. For one, leaders have adopted a statement on cybersecurity cooperation, which he said “captures our vision for a peaceful, secure and resilient cyberspace.” He added that leaders have also agreed to launch the ASEAN Smart Cities Network. -- Most cybersecurity attacks by hackers can be traced - if there are cooperation among Countries.
Because hackers can :- (1) Hide behind firewall - and only the Country that host the firewall reveal the IT information about the hackers behind the firewall, it is not possible to nab the hackers.
(2) Hide behind an encrypted tunnels such as IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, IP SSH, HTTPS etc.
(3) Hide behind proxies such as reverse proxies, forward proxies etc.
(4) Host web servers or hackers' server that need the hosted Country's ISP, ASP, Cloud SP to cooperate to pull out the hackers' IT information.
(5) Place botnets, malware, spyware onto unsuspected, unprotected servers etc to launch attacks - which also can be traced if hosted Countries cooperate .
Because all IT activities are logged for eg. in syslog, event logs, system logs, security logs, etc. And unique IT information which can be uniquely identified can be captured such as mac address, IP address, userid, digital cert, hostid, hostname, URL, phone no., etc.
If there are cooperation among the Countries in the World - virtually most if not all hackers' can be identified and nab.
This will help to ensure cybersafety - for eCommerce transactions in digitalisation and promote more economic activities through a regional Digital Economy - without fear of stealing and siphoning of digital monies through the internet.