Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Turbulent times ahead for Singapore employment market, warns MOM

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
It also asserts it is strengthening employment support to assist displaced locals re-enter employment.

It is true that MOM, WDA is more determined to help to assist displaced locals re-enter employment.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Most important is never give up.
Try and try, fall down, pick up, and try again ---- and one day will succeed.

ricky l
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Ricky L • a second agoRemove
Never say die, never sigh.

Try and try.

  • U
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    Uncle John  •  8 hours ago Report Abuse
    Try and try, they reject and reject, very shiok is it?

    Why don't you call up E2i, WDA, NTUC ask for job placement service? They will bring you to Tokyo, NY, London, then come back Singapore to tell you all the courses.

  • ricky l
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    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    Very simple.

    1st is our skillsets still relevant in the industry? If yes, can try and try, reject and reject - try and try again --- until one day, we will find one that he treasure you, you treasure him.

    If skillsets no longer relevant, take courses to upgrade and stay relevant - and then try and try - until you get one.

    The most important thing is stay positive, never give up - determination, perseverance, tenacity --- is the only way to succeed one day.

    If give up ---- guarantee fail.

     ricky l
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    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    We can suffer many failures, all we need is one success.

    ricky l
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    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    To attain Nirvana, you will endure many failures and there is as if no light at the end of the tunnel. (渐悟)

    And when you do not expect to succeed in this lifetime, one day you suddenly achieve Enlightenment and attain the Nirvana Fruition. (顿悟)

    When 唐僧 embark the journey to the West - treading hundred and thousands of miles, his journey seems endless (undergo many trials and tribulations - encountering many dangers, obstacles) (渐悟).

    And after he tread through his ardous journey without giving up (where his journey seems no end), he finally overcomes all his trials and tribulations - and see the Buddha and attain the Buddhahood Nirvana. (顿悟)

    The key is "We can suffer many failures, all we need is one success." - and never give up.
     ricky l
    0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0
    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    Just to let you know that Western Paradise (Amituofo Pureland) - is not somewhere in Nepal where 唐僧 tread hundred and thousands of miles to retrieve the Mahayana sutra - like Journey to the West.

    It is the relentless practice of mind and heart - without giving up (渐悟) --- before we see the Amituofo Buddha Pureland) ---- 花开见佛。(顿悟)- in front of you.

    阿弥陀佛 !!!
    ricky l
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    Ricky L • a second agoRemove

    Being relentless without giving up, the Lotus of Pureland bloom and see the Buddha.

    Attaining the Supreme goal of no birth, no death, no karma (due to the eradication of 3 evil roots of Ignorance of the Universal Truth, Hatred, Attachment to Self/Greed).

    For which where no stray thoughts arise, Nirvana State is attained.

    0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0
    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    For what is the obstacles and failures that confront us?

    It is the infinite time and space of the Universe - where no end of the tunnel is in sight.

    For never will I give up in the pursue of Enlightenment despite the infinite obstacles that confront me.

    And one day, SUDDENLY, I am awakened to the Supreme goal of Nirvana.
     ricky l
    0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0
    Ricky L • a second agoRemove
    And this happen, when I have clocked and repaid back all my positive and negative karmas (where my karma account = zero).

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