Russia and China to North Korea: Return to nuclear talks

ricky l22 seconds ago
N Korea has to realise that - as N Korea is getting closer to develop a nuclear weapon ---- N Korea is also getting closer and closer to danger.
N Korea may get itself corner into its own ultimatum - where de-nuclearisation is the only choice or may get itself into an invasion ---- which is a very likely possibility.
Only a Peace Deal similar to an Iran Nuclear Peace Deal - is the only way out.
The coming US Presidential Election - may throw out something that is very unpredictable.
This very short 1 year is the best bet for N Korea to make a very serious decision.

ricky l12 seconds ago
One right thought, one right speech, one right action - it will be a step into Heavenly.
One wrong thought, one wrong speech, one wrong action - it will be a step descend into Eternal Hell.
Iran Nuclear Deal - is one right thought, one right speech, one right action - into Heavenly.
What is N Korea move?

ricky l42 seconds ago
The vision of 3 Big Bangs in 3 hotspots (Europe, Middle East, Asia Pac) - 10 years ago - was very real.
Fortunately, 2 Big Bangs (one in East Europe - Ukraine), one in Middle East - Iran ----- were defused.
Now is N Korea.
Will Asia Pac be able to defuse this Big Bang? It depends on the Wisdom of N Korea.

ricky l12 seconds ago
Saturday, January 16, 2016
ricky l
If this Korean Peninsula affair is not handle carefully and more nuclear tests - and suddenly there is a nuclear accident which cause radiation contamination - what will happen :-
(1) N Korea itself will succumb to the nuclear radiation being at the source.
(2) S Korea sharing a long border with N Korea will be contaminated with the radiation. 30,000 US troops close to the border will all be contaminated.
(3) If the wind blow towards China, China will get contaminated.
(4) If stronger wind blow, the radiation contamination will blow towards Russia.
(5) If the wind decide to change course, Japan will get contaminated.
Then all "kick the bucket" ---- so do everyone want to show urgency to kick start a Peace Treaty - using "stick" and "carrot" ----- in exchange for everyone's "EGO"?
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