Lee Kuan Yew Overkill – Let’s not overdo the tributes

ricky lnow
Let put it this way.
Is the tribute to idolise ?
Or is the tribute meant to remind current and future generations to be vigilant, to learn the good attributes - so that Singapore will not forget all the positive values that make a Nation succeed.
This article seems to brood into idolising.
But looking at the context of paying tributes to our Founding Father ---- it look more like reminding us the past values, the past struggles, the positive values that make us successful as a Nation.
So if the purpose of paying tributes is to remind us not to forget the positive values of Nation Building and try to internalise it among our current and future generations - should this article protest?
ricky lnow
For eg.
(1) If no water supply, should current and future generations panic - or should it learn from the Founding Father how to find new water sources - like Newater - from drainage, sewage, sea water?
(2) If no jobs, should current and future generations panic - or should it learn from the Founding Father how to find jobs for Singaporeans - where Founding Father look for MNCs to provide jobs for Singaporeans.
(3) If got threat, should current and future generations panic - or should it learn from the Founding Father how to build up SAF and the Home Team - to protect our Country - so that Singaporeans don't panic.
(4) If Economy slowdown, should current and future generations panic - or should it learn from the Founding Father how to find ways to pump-prime our Economy to help the Economy recover?
(5) To preserve racial harmony, should current and future generations panic - or should it learn from the Founding Father how to find ways to promote and preserve racial harmony.
You mean this article tell us to bury all the good and positive attributes - and attempt to re-invent the wheel?
Idolising is different.
Learning and maintain the positive values is another different things - that we should preserve.
ricky lnow
A person without foresight and vision ---- will say the tribute is overkill and bury it from future generations.
A Nation with foresight and vision - should preserve it and highlight it every year ---- so that future generations can learn from our Visionary Founding Father --- to be brave, to be a problem solver, to be a visionary, to be a solution architect to build Singapore, to be a Peace Maker - by sharing Geo-Political foresight to save the World.

ricky l20 seconds ago
Not like one party - who propose to cut defense budget by 40 to 50% - when terrorism threat is imminent.
Does not the party know how many decades for Singapore to build a credible 3G defense force? It took 50 years.
And this party is going to destroy it overnight.
So should the tribute be highlighted every year to remind some ignorant people - how Singapore build overselves to succeed and not to fail?

March 23, 2016
Today mark the first anniversary of the death of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding prime minister of Singapore.
A lion of a man, Lee was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for more than three decades from 1959 to 1990, including through Singapore’s independence from Malaysia in 1965. He went on to assume the roles of Senior Minister and Minister Mentor right till his death, as the longest serving parliamentarian in the world.
Many have associated and attributed to Lee, the success and growth of Singapore to a first-world nation. His name still inspires awe and admirations in the international arena for good and efficient governance.
Nonetheless, Lee is a controversial figure in some respects, particularly for his tough, ruthless stance against anyone who dares go against him or the ruling party in Singapore which he founded, the People’s Action Party.
There is no denying that Lee contributed much to Singapore’s progress and achievements though and Singaporeans have a lot to thank him for what we enjoy today.
However, let’s not overdo the tributes.
While it is one thing to recognise the man for his vision, his policies and the great deeds he have done, it is another to canonise him like an immortal and elevate him like a facist symbol to the like of the three fatty Kims in North Korea.
These are some examples of overkills which really irked me:
Seeing something from nothing
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Do you see what I see?#submitted by Adrian Peh: Do you see what we saw. No photoshop. Taken at 4.11pm today at Gardens By the Bay East. Pls credit my friend. Garrick Lin
Posted by Fabrications About The PAP on Saturday, March 19, 2016
Sorry to burst your bubbles Adrian Peh. I see just the sky and clouds.
Kowtowing to the immortal
The kindergarten at my block asking the children to bow three time out of respect to the photo of Mr Lee after telling them a short story of him. Do the children understand?
Posted by Tengmu Fuming on Sunday, March 20, 2016
How about also offering some incenses and rice cakes too?
Government setting guidelines on usage of name and image of Lee Kuan Yew
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Okay to be fair, I understand the rationale is to prevent people from using his name for profiteering or some blatant abuse. Nonetheless, the guidelines smack of lese majeste laws which are more suited for ancient monarchies.
Shouldn’t the public be the ones to make the decisions ourselves on what is good or bad taste? Case in point, remember the backlash suffered by homegrown bakery brand, BreadTalk, when they launched a commemorative bun to capitalise on the death of Lee Kuan Yew? The public was quick to react and called for a boycott to punish them.
In fact, someone got so sick of all these craziness that the person went to the extreme of creating a “Forget Ah Kong” Chrome extension to block our all Facebook posts related to Lee Kuan Yew:
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For me, I think just a simple “Thank you Mr Lee” and remembering him when I think of Singapore’s achievements will suffice as a tribute.
What about you?
The post Lee Kuan Yew Overkill – Let’s not overdo the tributes appeared first on Alvinology.
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