Thursday, March 31, 2016

No plans for killer US military robots... yet
Thomas Watkins
March 31, 2016
ricky l

Yes, the military robots - is the human-made Asura Realm or Realm of Titans that I am talking about.
The next realm after Human Realm - will be the Asura Realm (that will make Human their slaves, just like what Human realm will make Animal realms the slaves).
Asura Realm can be :-
(1) Man-made AI robots - that can learn by itself and will destroy Human realm.
(2) Hybrid between animals, human, robots - that can learn by itself and will destroy Human realm.
(3) Aliens from outer spaces - that can learn by itself and will destroy Human realm.
The vision of the next realm - is very clear.
The 3 Big Bangs and 3 hotspots - that will end the World, the Earth is also very clear.

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