ricky l
11 seconds ago
The Globe Worldwide view and assessment that Donald Trump - if elected as President of USA will be a Global Threat.
I believe no other Presidential candidates throughout US election history - has such a reputation as Donald Trump.
ricky l1 second ago
Yes agreed with this group assessment, Trump uprising is a Global Threat.
There must be a mechanism to stop Trump from being elected as President of United States.
ricky l1 second ago
The following is posted yesterday :- 16 March 2016 - regarding trade :-
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentMichael • 5 minutes ago Report Abuse
ricky the truth may be very hard for you to understand but its the liberal democraps that are the problem you low lifes only want your evil way and Trump is nothing like Hitler but obama and clinton the same why do you have such a problem understanding very simple things, Trump = massive growth, hillary will fast forward this county on the race to the bottom
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Trump is already instigating civil unrest - where will be the massive growth?
Trump is working against all his Allies and offending many trading partners - where will be the massive growth?
Trump is making foes than friends - the adverse impact on oversea business will have a tremendous adverse impact --- where will be the massive growth?
Do you know how much multi-billions will international trade generate for US Economy? Without international trade - where will be the massive growth for US?
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Sorry it was not a multi-billion dollars in trade - it is 1.62 trillion to 2.35 trillion.
If Donald offend all Countries in the World - and decide not to trade, US lose US$1.62 trillion to 2.35 trillion a year.
So what is the massive growth under Donald - you are talking about?
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
If US business produce goods and services - but cannot sell overseas through international trade, where will be the massive growth?
And Donald is offending all US international trade partners all over the World.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
And if US business cannot sell their goods and services overseas through trade, many US business will shutdown and there will be massive unemployment.
Where will be the massive growth, Donald?
You are doing US a disservice and all your ignorant supporters are supporting your flaw discourse into an Economic mayhem, a Political mayhem, a Social mayhem and a Military mayhem.
ricky l2 minutes ago
The following is posted yesterday :- 16 March 2016 - regarding Donald's disposition of Hitler :-
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
WASHINGTON: Donald Trump warned Wednesday (Mar 16) that "riots" could break out if he is denied the Republican presidential nomination despite having won most of the party's primary and caucus elections.
"We're way ahead of everybody. I don't think you can say that we don't get it automatically," Trump told CNN the morning after his latest round of election victories, in the states of Illinois, North Carolina and Florida
Donald is instigating a civil unrest in USA.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
ricky lnow
Donald has invoke the "dark sides" of Americans ---- manifesting the 3 evil roots of Ignorance, Hatred / Anger and Greed / Strong Attachment to Self and Ego.
By invoking the "dark sides" ----- can has very adverse impact of fostering intolerance within USA - that will foster civil unrest and destroy the very fabric of US society and harm the reputation of USA worldwide.
ricky lnow
Under Donald, it will be "DSA" --- Dis-united States of America.
ricky lnow
Because Donald encourage his supporters to punch his fellow US citizens.
How to be United, when he is divisive, ostracizing his fellow US citizens who are not the same as the color of his skin or who has not the same religions as him?
United - means "Mutually Inclusiveness" - able to accomodate people of all races and all beliefs.
Donald - are trying to tear this apart at home, in US and he is trying to tear this apart - against his Allies.
Good job Donald.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
ricky lnow
The Marine Corps has a strict policy on tattoos — especially visible tattoos. Recruits can have no more than four tattoos, and they cannot contain any vulgar, racist, sexist or anti-American words or images or references to drugs.
Wonder if Donald win the Presidency, will Donald be disqualified as Commander-in-Chief ---- as throughout his campaign, he is vulgar, racist and sexist.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
Now Donald is hinting, instigating and implicitly encouraging his supporter to "riot" - and invoke a civil unrest in USA ----- with a veil threat if he is not nominated as Republican nominee.
This prophecy of civil unrest in USA ---- invoke by this candidate Donald Trump is predicted on :-
March 13, 2016
ricky l
ricky l13 seconds ago
If Donald Trump succeed as a President - it may trigger civil unrest and even civil war within US.
The unrest is already happening in his rally campaign.
ricky l13 seconds ago
The enforcement will have difficulty dealing with Islamic terrorism, gun-totting individuals - and now civil unrest.
ricky l
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentRicky L • a second agoRemove
March 13, 2016
ricky l
ricky l44 seconds ago
Donald told his supporters in his rally to box the protesters.
Who is instigating the violent?
This is the karma in the act ---- Donald instigate violent, Violent erupt in his rally.
What goes around, comes around.
ricky l
ricky l14 seconds ago
Why do the protesters protest in Donald's rally in the first place, it is because Donald incited hatred among the US citizens, that is why protesters protest --- because of the karma of Donald hatred promotion speeches.
Donald is a Devil in the making ---- and if he succeed to be the President --- US may experience civil unrest - at worst even civil war ---- and he may provoke an international brawl among many Countries, may even trigger a nuclear war and the worst scenario --- WW3.
ricky l
ricky l14 seconds ago
Donald has all the attributes of Hitler - the Nazis.
ricky l
ricky l23 seconds ago
Does US has a mechanism to prevent the rise of a Hitler?
The past Germany did not have a mechanism to prevent the rise of Hitler - and hence it trigger WW2 and led to Germany invasion of the World - before Hitler is finally defeated.
The rise of Donald has all the similar attributes of Hitler, Nazis the Great.
ricky l
ricky l13 seconds ago
The reverse Swatiska sign is rearing its head again.
Trump victory a major global risk: British research group
March 17, 2016
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The Economist Intelligence Unit ranked victory for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at 12 on an index where the current top threat is a Chinese economic "hard landing" rated 20More
The prospect of Donald Trump winning the US presidency represents a global threat on a par with jihadist militancy destabilising the world economy, according to British research group EIU.
In the latest version of its Global Risk assessment, the Economist Intelligence Unit ranked victory for the Republican front-runner at 12 on an index where the current top threat is a Chinese economic "hard landing" rated 20.
Justifying the threat level, the EIU highlighted the tycoon's alienation towards China as well as his comments on Islamist extremism, saying a proposal to stop Muslims from entering the United States would be a "potent recruitment tool for jihadi groups".
It also raised the spectre of a trade war under a Trump presidency and pointed out that his policies "tend to be prone to constant revision".
"He has been exceptionally hostile towards free trade, including notably NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement), and has repeatedly labelled China as a 'currency manipulator'." it said.
"He has also taken an exceptionally right-wing stance on the Middle East and jiadhi terrorism, including, among other things, advocating the killing of families of terrorists and launching a land incursion into Syria to wipe out IS (and acquire its oil)."
By comparison it gave a possible armed clash in the South China Sea an eight -- the same as the threat posed by Britain leaving the European Union -- and ranked an emerging market debt crisis at 16.
A Trump victory, it said, would at least scupper the Trans-Pacific Partnership between the US and 11 other American and Asian states signed in February, while "his hostile attitude to free trade, and alienation of Mexico and China in particular, could escalate rapidly into a trade war."
"There are risks to this forecast, especially in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil or a sudden economic downturn," it added.
However, the organisation said it did not expect Trump to defeat his most likely Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, in an election and pointed out that Congress would likely block some of his more radical proposals if he won November's election.
Rated at 12 alongside the prospect of a Trump presidency was the threat of Islamic State, which the EIU said risked ending a five-year bull run on US and European stock markets if terrorist attacks escalated.
The break-up of the eurozone following a Greek exit from the bloc was rated 15, while the prospect of a new "cold war" fuelled by Russian interventions in Ukraine and Syria was put at 16.
Conservatives plot Trump demise as he eyes Arizona win
Associated Press
March 18, 2016
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SUN CITY, Ariz. (AP) — Fearful of a Donald Trump nomination to lead the GOP, conservative leaders huddled privately in Washington on Thursday in search of a plan to stop the billionaire businessman. His Republican rivals braced for another Trump victory next week, this time in delegate-rich Arizona.
The GOP has an eager alternative in Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, yet some party leaders are exploring “other avenues” instead of rallying behind the fiery conservative, an ominous sign that Republican leaders’ deep dislike of Cruz complicates their overwhelming concern about Trump.
“The establishment is like a wounded animal, now cornered,” said Mark Meckler, an early leader in the tea party movement. “They are terrified, irrational and flailing wildly.”
Even after being denied victory in five contests Tuesday, Cruz insists he still has a path to the 1,237 delegates necessary to claim the Republican presidential nomination. But in a strategy memo obtained by The Associated Press, his campaign essentially cedes Arizona’s March 22 primary to Trump and acknowledges Cruz must win 79 percent of the remaining delegates before the GOP’s July national convention.
“This is the moment for all those who believe in a strong America to come together and craft a new path forward,” Cruz declared on Twitter while conservatives were meeting in downtown Washington to brainstorm ways to stop his party’s front-runner.
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Erick Erickson, Founder, Resurgent appears on “Meet the Press” in Washington, D.C., Sunday Feb. 28, 2016. (Photo: William B. Plowman/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images)
Organizers of the meeting included conservative commentator Erick Erickson and Christian conservative leader Bob Fischer. The goal, as stated in the invitation, was “to strategize how to defeat Donald Trump for the Republican nomination, and if he is the Republican nominee for president, to offer a true conservative candidate in the general election.”
The group released a statement after roughly four hours behind closed doors calling for a “unity ticket that unites the Republican Party.”
While many in the room supported Cruz, they declined to endorse the Texas senator or the only other remaining presidential contender, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and instead urged all former Republican presidential candidates to unite against Trump. They also embraced the possibility of a contested convention.
“Lastly, we intend to keep our options open as to other avenues to oppose Donald Trump,” they said, an apparent reference to a possible third-party candidacy that might stop Trump but would likely sacrifice the Republican Party’s chances in the general election to Democrat Hillary Clinton.
On Capitol Hill, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said he’d help Cruz raise campaign cash in the hope of stopping Trump’s march.
Graham, who dropped his own presidential bid last month, called Cruz “a reliable Republican.” That was a sharp shift from Graham’s recent statement comparing the choice between Trump and Cruz to “the difference between poisoned or shot — you’re still dead.”
Amid the Republican chaos, Democratic front-runner Clinton focused on fundraising as her campaign begins to look ahead to the general election. She claimed a fifth victory in Tuesday’s primaries, as rival Bernie Sanders conceded defeat in Missouri.
However, Sanders continued to campaign aggressively ahead of contests next Tuesday in Arizona and Utah.
Arizona residents are far more likely to see commercials for Sanders than for any other candidate in either party, advertising tracker Kantar Media’s CMAG shows. Though trailing badly in delegates, he is spending about $1.8 million on Arizona ads, triple Clinton’s media plan.
On the Republican side, so far only Cruz is advertising in the state, a relatively light $256,000, but he got a boost from an allied super PAC on Thursday that reserved $415,000 in Arizona and another $165,000 in Utah, according to CMAG. The ads are scheduled to run through the states’ March 22 primaries.
While none of the Republican candidates campaigned publicly on Thursday, Cruz was to appear in Arizona on Friday before shifting his attention to Utah, which his campaign identified in the strategy memo as a key state in his path forward.
Kasich is also making an aggressive play in Utah, with four public events scheduled there over the next two days. The Ohio governor also unveiled the endorsement of former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, who praised “the temperament and the tone” of the Kasich campaign, an indirect jab at Trump.
Kasich has seized on Trump’s sometimes violent rhetoric, while an allied group began airing running a TV ad across Utah Thursday that shows a protester being punched in the face at a Trump rally.
“There was a time when presidents were honorable. Trustworthy. What’s happened?” the narrator asks, later adding, “John Kasich is presidential.”
With a big delegate lead over Kasich, Cruz remains the Republican best positioned to catch Trump.
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Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz greets supporters at a campaign rally in Glen Ellyn, Illinois March 14, 2016. (Photo: Jim Young/Reuters)
Even under a best-case scenario, however, Cruz’s campaign envisions a slim chance he can win enough delegates to claim the nomination before the convention. The campaign is predicting success Tuesday in Utah and upcoming contests in North Dakota, Wisconsin and Colorado.
The Cruz strategy also depends upon victories on the final day of primary voting, June 7, which features contests in California and New Jersey, among other states.
In Arizona, experts believe about half of all Arizona voters have already cast their ballots — many of them for Trump.
Cruz’s state director, Constantin Querard, downplayed Arizona’s importance Thursday even as he said Utah and Arizona have the potential to “reset the race” as a two-person contest.
“I think Utah will be a better measure than Arizona,” Querard said.
Peoples reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Julie Bykowicz, Julie Pace, Andrew Taylor, Stephen Ohlemacher and Chad Day in Washington and Kathleen Ronayne in Concord, New Hampshire, contributed to this report.
Follow Steve Peoples at http://twitter.com/sppeoples
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