Sunday, March 20, 2016

IS suffers blows in Iraq, Syria but still launches attacks

March 20, 2016
ricky l

Good to see that the ISIS Syria and Iraq caliphate is fracturing and depleting.
The military strategy works.
(1) Cutting supply to ISIS daesh - finance, money, manpower, logistics, food, water, oil etc
(2) Targeted bombing - taking out their leadership and command structure, their heavy weapons, their mobile units, their troop concentration etc.
(3) Incessant bombing - to demoralise and remove their abilities to combat
(4) Local ground troop - to capture territory and harass them.
(5) Prevent them from planning local attacks and overseas attack.
Must press on and keep up the pressure to tighten the noose - tighter, tighter on ISIS daesh.

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