Pentagon to propose boosting US military presence in Iraq
March 26, 2016

ricky l13 seconds ago
Do what is right to win the war against ISIS daesh in Iraq - as Mosul is the last stronghold of ISIS daesh caliphate. Defeat ISIS daesh in Mosul and destroy their caliphate, ISIS daesh in Iraq will cease to exist.
But plan it in such a manner to minimise casualties to your own troops and do it in such a way that your troop will not be bog down in Iraq (like in Vietnam) - complete the military objectives quickly and come home.
Local forces in Iraq will be your key to ensure this.
Do it in conjunction and collaboration with the local troops - so that when your coalition forces defeat the ISIS daesh, let the local troops hold ground and let them takeover - so that your boys can come home.
ricky l3 seconds ago
For those who say "Enough, come home" ---- will be disastrous.
Because ISIS daesh will regroup and come lunging at USA.
Defeat ISIS daesh in Iraq and Syria completely and let the local troops in Iraq and Syria hold ground and take over the control ---- will be the best bet to ensure USA is safe.
ricky l3 seconds ago
Do you know why ISIS daesh militants are picking on US and Europe?
Because this is the karma of biblical roots lineage.
ISIS daesh represent the manifestation of the worst form of biblical teachings. Only by politically, militarily, religiously defeat ISIS daesh - the US and the World will be safe.
ricky l20 seconds ago
Just to remind everyone that Catholics and Protestants also experience the manifestation of the worst form of biblical teachings - when Catholics and Protestants also lunge at one another - indulging in mutual shootings and mutual bombings of terrorism.
This worst form of biblical karma roots - only end in the last few decade (which end in Northern Ireland).
Now in Middle East, you are seeing similar manifestations - due to the same karma of biblical root lineage.
Only when ISIS daesh evil karma roots is defeated ---- the World will enter into a "Religious Peace" - where Humans begin to understand the true virtue of Religions ----- Religions of Peace and Harmony.
ricky l3 seconds ago
Why Middle East refugees pick the neighboring Middle East countries and then to Europe for immigrants ?
Because this is the biblical roots lineage - and the karma "re-walk" the ancient religious roots - Christianity from Europe spread to Middle East and lead to formation of Islam.
Now Islam "re-walk" back the ancient route and go back to Europe - due to the karma of biblical roots lineage.
So everyone understand how Universal Law of Karma works?
Pope on Good Friday decries terror profaning God's name

Associated Press
March 26, 2016

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A view of the Colosseum prior to the arrival of Pope Francis to lead the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) torchlight procession celebrated at the Colosseum on Good Friday in Rome, Friday, March 25, 2016. The evening Via Crucis procession at the ancient amphitheater is a Rome tradition that draws a large crowd of faithful, including many of the pilgrims who flock to the Italian capital for Holy Week ceremonies before Easter Sunday. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)More
ROME (AP) — Pope Francis at the traditional Good Friday cross procession denounced those committing "terrorist acts" while profaning God's name and lamented what he called "anesthetized" consciences over war refugees flooding Europe.
Francis renewed his condemnation of what he has called indifference and inhospitality to those risking their lives in unseaworthy smugglers' boats in hopes of finding refuge on European shores from war and other violence.
Evoking the image of Jesus on the cross, Francis said: "we see you in the faces of children, of women and people, worn out and fearful, who flee war and violence and who often only find death" and people who refuse to deal with them.
Francis called the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, two major routes for refugees and migrants, "insatiable cemeteries, reflections of our indifferent and anesthetized conscience."
In reference to deadly extremist attacks in Europe, Iraq and elsewhere, Francis denounced "expressions of fundamentalism" and "terrorist acts committed by followers of some religions which profane the name of God and which use the holy name to justify their unprecedented violence."
Earlier in the week, Francis called the deadly attacks at a Brussels metro station and airport "cruel abominations."
Wearing a long white coat against the evening's chill, Francis had presided over a torch-lit procession at the ancient Roman arena, a symbol of early Christian martyrdom.
Again, suggesting the image of Jesus' dying on the cross, Francis said: "We see you raised up in our sisters and brothers killed, burned alive, throats slit and decapitated by barbarous blades amid cowardly silence." Throughout his papacy, Francis has repeatedly lamented the persecution and killing of Christians for their faith by extremists in the Middle East.
In his prayer ending the Colosseum service, he said the "certainty" of God's love won't be obscured by "the apparent victory of evil."
The Good Friday service drew thousands of pilgrims and Romans who patiently submitted to security checks, part of stepped-up measures across much of Europe after the Brussels attacks.
Hours before the pope arrived, police led explosives-detecting dogs through inspections inside and outside the Colosseum. Later, police waved metal-detecting wands across the faithful and searched their bags and knapsacks.
Another security challenge comes on Sunday, when tens of thousands of people are expected in St. Peter's Square for Easter Mass celebrated by the pope.
Frances D'Emilio is on Twitter at
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