Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Marines Alter Women's Uniform Policy to Cover More Tattoos

Associated Press
March 15, 2016

ricky l

The Marine Corps has a strict policy on tattoos — especially visible tattoos. Recruits can have no more than four tattoos, and they cannot contain any vulgar, racist, sexist or anti-American words or images or references to drugs.
Wonder if Donald win the Presidency, will Donald be disqualified as Commander-in-Chief ---- as throughout his campaign, he is vulgar, racist and sexist.
Else how should everyone look up to him as Commander-in-Chief?
Else how should everyone look up to him with honor and dignity as President of United States of America ---- when he is not UNITING his very American citizens - ostracizing the minorities races like black, hispanics, asians etc, ostracizing islam etc ?

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