Sunday, March 20, 2016

Anti-Trump movement escalates with large protests in Arizona, NYC

Caitlin Dickson
Breaking News Reporter
March 20, 2016
ricky l

Already predicted that Donald Trump will cause civil unrest in USA.
The events is already unfolding as a Presidential candidate - not even a President yet.
This prophecy of civil unrest in USA ---- invoke by this candidate Donald Trump is predicted on :-
March 13, 2016
ricky l
ricky l13 seconds ago
If Donald Trump succeed as a President - it may trigger civil unrest and even civil war within US.
The unrest is already happening in his rally campaign.
ricky l13 seconds ago
The enforcement will have difficulty dealing with Islamic terrorism, gun-totting individuals - and now civil unrest.
I hope the worst scenario of prophecy will not happen - if Trump ever become a President.

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