Syrian Kurds say they'll declare federal region in Syria

ricky lnow
From now on, all conflicting parties should adopt political negotiation and peace talks to resolve differences and strive for "win-win" solutions.
The ultimate goal - is to ensure a political settlement through political process to ensure all conflicting parties have a place in Syria - and will no longer engaged in civil war.
Kudos for Russia and US, UN - plus other supporting parties ---- that make such a Peaceful transition possible.
The Syria Peace Deal must not fail ---- this is something that UN should strive to make Syria a liveable place and bring back all Syrian refugees to rebuild their home again.

ricky lnow
This is with the exception of ISIS - who must surrender unconditionally.

ricky l1 minute ago
For the first time, it is possible to end the 5 years long civil war in Syria - and bring back peace to Syria.
Every parties must strive to achieve PEACE and come out with a political settlement that ensure every parties have a place to live peacefully in Syria.
Phew, luckily not Donald Trump at the helm ---- he will mess this up - banning Muslims, torture prisoners, spewing racist remarks etc ---- and Peace will not be possible - but a snowball messy brawl will ensue......

ricky l28 seconds ago
When the World is getting dangerous, the World do not need Donald Duck to inflame the whole situation - and massive fire will explode.
We need Intelligent, Wise, Compassionate and Skilled Leaders - to bring about very difficult diplomacy and political delicate settlement Peacefully and skilfully.
Definitely not the Donald Duck disposition - who will inflame and mess things up - into violent brawl and punch-up.
All involved that bring about this Peace talk - are Bodhisattvas (菩萨)(Live-Salvagers).
But the Peace Talk must succeed.

ricky l10 seconds ago
This Syria Peace Talk if successful will bring about the following wholesome outcomes :-
(1) End civil war in Syria - and end the immense sufferings of Syrian people.
(2) All Syrian refugees can return home and rebuild their Country.
(3) For the first time, about to bridge the differences between the Sunnis and Shiites ---- and this will help to ensure less Sunnis and Shiites power struggle in Middle East ---- as political settlement can be negotiated.
(4) For the 1st time, unified effort against ISIS daesh violent militants can be dealt with.
(5) Catalyst to resolve other conflicting Middle East Countries like Libya, Yemen etc --- using Syria Peace Deal framework as template for Peace Settlement.

ricky lnow
Donald Duck won't understand such foreign affair delicacy ---- only know how to ban, torture, spew vulgarity, racist, sexist, build wall, build war etc ---- how to solve such complicated international affair?

ricky l20 seconds ago
Donald duck won't understand - when there is no international trade, no foreign investment, no business influence ---- US will have no political influence, no military influence, no business influence, no diplomatic influence, no social influence ---- and under Donald Duck ---- US will not be strong ---- US will be wrong and US will be sideline as nobody.
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