March 24, 2016
ricky l3 minutes ago
The next realm is an Asura Realm (the Realm of the Titans) - that will make human realm the slave of Asura (just like Animal realm fall slave to Human Realm).
Indeed human make Asura (Titans) - where AI can learn and outsmart human --- will destroy human realm.
The reasons being - Asura realm possess the darkest side of 3 evil inherent attributes of sentinent beings - Ignorance of Universal Law (unable to recognise, acknowledge karma), Hatred, Greed / Attachment to Self, Self-Centredness, Selfish.
This AI cyber-robot - display the above phenomenon.
ricky l3 seconds ago
This Microsoft cyber-robot - manifest all the traits of Donald Trump and Donald Trump is instigating Americans dark sides - specifically the 3 evil human roots (Ignorance of Universal Law (unable to recognise, acknowledge karma), Hatred, Greed / Attachment to Self, Self-Centredness, Selfish).
That is why, politicians worldwide and people worldwide feel that Donald Trump rise in US ---- is "scary" - indeed scary ---- as Donald Trump has the attributes of Hitler and Stalin.

ricky l3 seconds ago
Just hope that Donald Trump will be finally defeated in the Election --- and save humanity - in US and the World.

ricky l2 seconds ago
This is the Pledge of what Donald Trump want to invoke on his US supporters :-
Pledge ourselves as one White superior race (irregardless of whether US break apart in disunity).
Disregarding different races, languages or religion in United States, White supremacy is Uncompromising.
Based on democracy, unjust and inequality at the expense of other race other than the White race,
Donald pledge to bring happiness (which in fact will lead to civil unrest), prosperity (in fact many business will go bankrupt as Donald refuse to honor all trade deals - and lead to mass unemployment) and progress (which in fact lead US to regress in human right, lead US from World Leader to become nobody - as Donald cannot work with anyone in the World).

ricky l2 seconds ago
Donald Trump should learn the values of the following pledge - and instill that to his supporters :-
"Pledge ourselves as one united people.
Regardless of race, language or religion.
Based on democracy, justice and equality.
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our Nation."

ricky l5 seconds ago
What Donald Trump say and do is not only "politically incorrect".
Donald Trump is "humanly incorrect".
By preaching one superior race against all races - is humanly incorrect and divinely incorrect - as wholesomely all human races are equal.
By preaching selfishness to benefit only himself and his races - he invoked other races to retaliate and to be selfish to Donald Trump and his supporters.
Donald Trump invoked negativity of human - from his supporters and as a result, invoked retaliation from his oppositions.
The outcome is - civil unrest in US as well as other Countries working against Donald Trump if he become the President.
Microsoft launches AI chatbot on Twitter and it turns racist within hours
Libby Plummer
March 24, 2016
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Microsoft introduced a chat robot designed to interact in the style of a “teen girl” on Twitter, and it went rogue almost immediately, spouting racist opinions, conspiracy theories and a fondness for genocide.
The artificial intelligence (AI) named “Tay” - @Tayandyou on Twitter - was intended chat to with 18-24 year olds with the idea being that she would learn from each tweet and get progressively smarter.
Clearly Microsoft had forgotten that Twitter is home to a huge amount of trolls, racists and general troublemakers who jumped at the chance to ‘teach’ the teenaged AI about life.
In one widely circulated tweet, Tay said: “Bush did 9/11 and Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey we have got now. donald trump is the only hope we’ve got”.
She also went on to deny the existence of the Holocaust, and agreed with white supremacist propaganda that was tweeted at her.
Microsoft apparently didn’t put any kind of filters on the AI, which meant Tay was able to tweet a number of atrocious racial slurs.
The troublesome cyber-teen has since been taken offline for ‘upgrades’ and Microsoft has deleted some of her more offensive tweets.
“The AI chatbot Tay is a machine learning project, designed for human engagement. As it learns, some of its responses are inappropriate and indicative of the types of interactions some people are having with it. We’re making some adjustments to Tay,” Microsoft said in a statement.
The rapid descent of Tay from innocent AI chatbot to racist, Hitler-loving conspiracy theorist has raised concerns over the future of ‘learning’ tech and AI.
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