Singapore to launch new counter-terrorism measures: Shanmugam
March 18, 2016

ricky l12 seconds ago
Many of the postings here are decrying :-
(1) why spending money on cctvs.
(2) feel that privacy of citizens are invaded.
(3) why need to monitor hdb flats.
(4) cctvs only used to identify culprits when after an event had happened
(5) why raising terrorism alert now - is it to control the people more tightly etc.
I think we need to see things in more perspective with deeper insights.
(1) it is not possible to deploy policemen everywhere in every part of the Country even though Singapore is a small country. By using surveillance systems with centralised control and analytic tools can be effective as deterrent is 24 hours (not only when police is around) and with analytic tools - can automate and provide proactive alerts on suspicious activities - such as identifying reconnaissance missions. It is a pair of automated 24 hours eyes watching and looking out for suspicious activities.
(2) if you are a law abiding citizens - why are you afraid of cctv that are supposed to protect you from potential terrorists, loanshark, illegal gatherings of gangsters, thieves etc.
(3) hdb flats could be one area where suspicious characters dwell in - as 90% of population stay in hdb flats.
(4) cctv can identify suspicious activities so that enforcers can take action proactively - not necessary an after events identification.
(5) so many local would-be terrorists have been arrested - who went to Syria, Yemen to fight. 27 foreign workers have been arrested with plot to plan terrorist attacks in Bangladesh. ---- so it is be safe than sorry to raise the alert now.
So wonder why so many people here are so negatively reacting to the increase in terrorism measures to protect us so that we are not harm?
SDP say in the last election to scale down National Service and increase spendings on medical spendings. This is absurd. If terrorist managed to breakthrough because of reduction in security and defence spendings - then Singapore is doom - and medical spendings will shoot up to the roof.
ricky l2 seconds ago
National Defense, Homeland Security, National Security - is the expert domain of the Security Professionals who have intelligence and insights on the imminent threats or potential threats the Country is facing.
Common people should help to complement, supplement, reinforce, stay alert, report, raise alerts and support the Security measures - and not throw ice water on it --- when the measures are supposed to protect us from harm.
If SDP proposal is adopted, Singapore will be caught with our pants down ---- because Security takes long term planning and proactive visions to build up and needs time to scale up.
If we are caught unprepared, Singapore will be in danger.

Leyana4 minutes ago
Expansion of CCTV coverage and development of data analytical capabilities of the Home Team. Spending money to install more CCTV. CCTV can only record how the bombs already exploded how the civilians were killed but not to prevent them from bombing and killing civilians. Idiotic ideal.
ricky l42 seconds ago
Some say, why don't announced anything, keep quiet and silently deal with the threat - rather than inviting trouble.
There are 2 sides of the coin.
By keeping quiet, will it mean the ISIS terrorism will not come to our shore?
ISIS terrorism is reaching out to many Countries all over the World. Those Countries who keep quiet also face threat and was hit with terrorist attacks.
By keeping quiet, Singaporeans will be lull into complacency and even when danger sign emerged, no one will be alerted to it - and if anything happen, Singaporeans will panic or worst, turn into a Society divide and anger.
Since the threat is already unfolding around our neighbors like Indonesia, Thailand - under bomb attack or shooting attack. Malaysia and Singapore also arrested couple of residents involving in ISIS activities, raising alerts, get everyone prepared to stay alert ---- will help to deter suspicious ISIS activities.
By being an ostrich an digging our head into the sand - will not prevent ISIS from coming into our shore - as ISIS is announcing caliphate worldwide.
ricky l11 seconds ago
Suppose the Government keep quiet, but tightening check on all the checkpoints, search and check more people in the MRT, install more CCTVs, activate more mobilisation.
Then Singaporeans will start making noise - asking why more checks, more delays etc. And if there is suspicious activities, common Singaporeans will not report to the Authorities - and if something happen, will Singaporeans not make noise about why Government did not alert Singaporeans to look out for suspicious characters?
Total Defense - means involving everyone to do defense - including social defence and civilian defense (psychological defense).
Otherwise why coin the concept of Total Defense? For fun?
ricky l2 seconds ago
Not 国家遇难,嬬夫指责。
ricky l1 second ago
Everyone must possess the spirit of :-
Not :-
ricky l12 seconds ago
If everyone knows who our neighbors are - whether in HDB, Condo, landed properties and other accommodation aparments - and reports any suspicious people or activities ---- do you think potential terrorists will not be uncover?
Singapore has not enough forest for terrorists to dwell in - because monkeys, wild boars etc will disturb them.
So by calling upon Total Defense (everyone defending) - make sense - and will help to proactively prevent, detect and stop would-be terrorists ---- when everyone is alert.
ricky l26 seconds ago
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
By Yahoo! Singapore | Yahoo Newsroom – 21 hours ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Don't meddle around with defense spendings.
SDP is not a technocrats in defense should stop fooling around with defense and homeland security.
Otherwise everyone in Singapore may face danger one day - if we are unable to defend ourselves when something happen.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
It is dangerous for SDP that meddle with taboo subjects like defense, homeland, economic and financial ---- that will bring down Singapore from heaven to hell in no time.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Defense, homeland security, economic, trade, finance, social cohesion etc ----- are Singapore main pillars ---- that cannot be shaken with no deep insights on how these operate --- and by fooling around with these will bring Singapore down in one big swoop.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
All it needs is a few security lapses like 911 :-
(1) Intelligence lapse
(2) Airport security lapse
(3) No procedures to intercept airplane when hijacked etc.
A coordinated attacks took place when terrorists hijack multiple planes and bomb the twin towers, pentagon and 1 crash mid-way when it heads towards Washington.
Surely, SDP is not foolish enough to cut defense by half - when ISIS is spreading its tentacles all over the World.
SDP - stop meddling with defense and homeland security - if you don't understand the security threat that are facing us.
11 Sep polling day ---- is 911 ---- if you want a reminder.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
SDP is a dangerous opposition party - that will dabble in those areas that will bring Singapore into danger.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
It is easy to throw anger at PAP, but one wrong move by any how vote ---- and damage the main Economic pillar, Defense pillar, Homeland security pillar, Finance pillar, Social cohesion pillar etc by voting out the Government ----- Singapore demise is immediate.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Al-Qaeda infiltrate in 911 when President Bush just take over the Presidency in US.
By exploiting the Government changeover period - where security lapse looms ---- World Trade centre twin towers, Pentagon and close shave for Washington - were brought down by hijacked plane.
SDP is now meddling with this ....... a great danger to Singapore.

ricky l1 minute ago
September 8, 2015 during last General Election is predicted that meddling around with Defense Spendings and Homeland Security ---- is a very dangerous move especially when uninformed oppositions and commoners who are not in the Security Domain or Security Professionals try to interfere with it - when there is no clue on the imminent threats or potential threats that we are facing.
Based on the many postings over here, many want to meddle with the Security Measures propose - absurdly, like what SDP intend to do in the last GE.
ISIS will gleefully penetrate any inadequacies in the defense or security - the moment they see complacency sets in.
The SDP and all the many ignorants bloggers here will inherit the sinful karma - due to the foolishness.
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