Thursday, April 3, 2014

US warns China not to attempt Crimea-style action in Asia

Published on Apr 04, 2014
9:10 AM

This guy needs to do a little history or at least a little bit more on language before he opens his presidential point-man mouth on East Asia or China. 
1 Learn a little tact if you don't know what diplomacy is. 
2 It is rude to warn your main banker. 
3 Quote one country or island nation that would vote or support a takeover by PRC.
Russians in Crimea asked and voted for Russia to take over, and it was so peaceful. 
There is one saying I learned early in working life and living a harmonious existence: if you have nothing good to say, it is good to drink your coffee black, sugar free and...say nothing. That is called class with diplomacy.

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      Be careful about Russians in Crimea asked and voted for Russia to take over.
      If you conduct a vote in Xinjiang, Tibet, they may asked and voted for Independence.
      You maybe doing China a disservice by quoting this argument.

        • That's why you got to give it to Mao. He did not allow Tibet to secede and moved Han Chinese there. But it is the Lamas that revolted essentially. The serfs and slaves under the Lamas were liberated from their feudal society by Mao. [Taiwan at that time could wait.]
          BTW who would dare invade Tibet or Xinjiang even if their residents voted? Finally, I am not that influential. Just to tell the angmoh not to any how talk (Singlish).

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              I only believe - think, speak and do what is right - not who is more powerful or more muscle.
              No matter how powerful or more muscle - no one can escape the Law of Karma - 因果。
              By thinking, saying and doing what is right - by conveying the right thoughts, the right speeches and the right actions that will bring peace, harmony and prosperity and not provoke war, conflict and disharmony - we are being a responsible human.
              何况是全世界的命 - if World War 3 ever broke out?

              Don't assume a person's words are not influential. Someone mention assassination on the Thai politics last year and then the next day, assassination was carried out. So be careful with words.
              Buddha predicted everyone will perish in Eternal Hell through 小三灾 near the end of Dharma Ending Age. Humans are already dwelling at this Stage.
              Recently, Year after year, human mankind have many close shave - many events are invoked by human, including climatic conditions.

                Human are just waiting for 1 major event that ignite the "nuclear-like fuse" - that will cause a domino catastrophe effect - that will ignite the whole World into an Inferno and jettison into Eternal Hell - either through World War 3, a natural disaster that impact the whole Earth or an epidemic so potent that will wipe out the human and animal race.
                The current 3 hotspots don't smell good...

                  • I suggest you refrain from your interpretation of karma and karmic stuff here.

                    I read a few dozen books on Buddhism by authoritative authors who are monks themselves, spent countless hours listening to an ordained monk and countless questions on cause and effect stuff.
                    Other cosmic laws determine the state of continents or planets. The Buddha said so. Only "conditioned beings" i.e. human beings need to know, follow and practise all the kusala ("wholesome") way to attain nirvana.
                    Planet Earth will perish the day the helium fuel of the Sun is used up. Even if the Sun does not cause Earth to perish, geology tells us that: Australia will move up to hit Borneo Island, the African plate will split from the Asian plate, and San Francisco will detach from peninsula to island state.

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                        If an action don't elicit a reaction - than
                        can you explain the Newton Law of - an
                        action will elicit an equal force of
                        Isn't this Newton Law - karma - in
                        scientific term?

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                    Many countries in the World will disintegrate, fall into disarray and chaos - if you support this argument - including Russia itself - who is also a Federation make up of many regions.

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                        This is where World War 3 will start - if you still don't understand the implications.
                        The red lights of World War 3 ---- in 3 hotspots are already blinking if you still do not know...
                        Everyone should cool temperature down and put things right - not add oil to the fire ...

                        • China did not support Russia in the
                          UN and instead opt for "Abstain"
                          You should study the implication of
                          this vote - if you put China into
                          Ukraine's shoe.
                          Conversely, if Russia Federation is
                          put into Ukraine shoes, the action
                          will reverse.


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