Sunday, April 13, 2014

Finance officials: Global economy turns the corner

Amid market jitters, finance officials see foundation for sustained economic growth and jobs

By Martin Crutsinger and Harry Dunphy, Associated Press | Associated Press  7 hours ago

EU Europe prudent financial policies such as balanced fiscal budget – ensuring spending within the means, keeping welfare spending affordable and other prudent Economic Policy – though has caused some short term and medium term pain – but has bring back sound financial and economic policies – that will prevent the World Economy from riding on yo-yo effects – “wild economic fluctuations”.

The World Economy for these few years look less turbulence.

However, the next phase will be to generate more jobs by encouraging business investment and business activities to sustain growth and trade.

US should slowly and surely follow Europe sustainable financial model to ensure balanced fiscal budget – and further stabilise and ensure sustainable World Economic Growth with stable & sustainable Financial Policies by spending within the means & arresting the yearly mammoth fiscal budget deficit slowly but surely – but not doing drastic changes that cause turbulence to the World Financial Market.

If US also succeeded like EU, the World Economic Growth – will say bye bye to the yo-yo effects – of Economy boom and bane every other few years – that cause turbulence to the World Economy.

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