Sunday, April 6, 2014

China shows off new aircraft carrier to US defence chief

Published on Apr 07, 2014
7:49 AM

  • Such confident building between the 2 SuperPowers - bode well for Peace in Asia Pacific, albeit World Peace.
    Working together rather than against one another is a blessing for Human Mankind.

      • Hagel would be an inexperienced 'old virgin' in the arena of international politics if he thought that China would be completely transparent regarding its military.
        Any country, be it China, the US etc., would just be a sitting duck, if another knew all the military secrets it has. Should a war occur between them, the country that knows most of its opponent's military prowess will be in a better position to plan for victory based on its opponent's weaknesses and strengths.
        What can be shown is probably not a big secret. The skilled card player holds his trump card close to his chest.

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            There will be no winner or loser - if the 2 SuperPowers decide to fight - because both will fire nuclear at one another if any side is losing - and the human mankind can declare the "End".

              Work out differences, work on common ground, work for mutual benefits, play constructive roles as SuperPowers in the World Stage, maintain communication and dialogues, be a Responsible SuperPowers - only then the World will be a better World.

                • The World should have less of "Confrontation Politics" and should have more "Cooperative Politics".
                  Only then Human Mankind - will be less of Sea of Sufferings.
                  Human lives are already very short, very fragile - human lives are less than 100 years old, subject to sickness and very fragile - covering the breath for 5 minutes will mean end of human lives.
                  Why can't Humans live peacefully with one another, cooperate to help one another - so that Human can live a better lives - rather than at one another's throat or plotting or planning to do one another in - whether in politics, international scene, office or in business or in any relationship?


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