Tuesday, April 22, 2014

 Why persecuting a Living Bodhisattva will elicit小三灾 (Epidemic, war, natural disaster) ?
Because Human 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred, Greed – if carry to the maxim will result in the outcomes of小三灾 (Epidemic, war, natural disaster).
Living Bodhisattva helps Humans to reduce and eradicate the 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred, Greed and consequently control the manifestations of小三灾 (Epidemic, war, natural disaster).
Persecuting the Living Bodhisattva will prevent or deter or impede the Living Bodhisattva from carrying out his or her roles – thus result in manifestations of小三灾 (Epidemic, war, natural disaster).
In addition, it infringe 3 Laws – which as a result bring heavy karma and accelerate the manifestation of小三灾 (Epidemic, war, natural disaster):-

(1)   Human Legal Law
(2)   Heavenly Justice
(3)   Universal Law of Karma

This is because it is the Divine Vows of the Living Bodhisattva to carry out this role.

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