Thursday, April 24, 2014

Russia's Putin calls the Internet a 'CIA project'

Russia's Putin calls Internet a 'CIA project' as Kremlin exerts control over online activity

By Nataliya Vasilyeva, Associated Press | Associated Press – 11 hours ago

ricky l • a second agoRemove

The Interlock 小三灾 (War, Epidemic, Natural Disaster) seems to be rearing its head, and the Mercedes insignia of 3 roots converging seems to be emerging.

(1) East Europe hotspot (Ukraine crisie) is glowing – and may turn ugly – as the Ukraine Peace deal has become a lame duck as there is no intention to see it through.
(2) Middle East hotspot – Mers is getting more and more serious, Israel-Palestine peace deal is off and no deal, Syria internal conflict has no end in sight.
(3) Asia Pacific hotspot – luckily is more controlled – thanks to the signing of Maritime Pact to avoid conflict, Tokyo Governor visiting Beijing, US reassurance of no conflict, though it is marked by 2 major accidents – MH370 mysterious disappearance and SKorea ferry Titanic sinking and 1 nuclear test in NKorea.

To prevent小三灾 (War, Epidemic, Natural Disaster) – from blowing out of proportion and end the World :-

(1) Asia Pacific region – must maintain level-head and not let tension rise. In fact, more efforts should be spend to further cool down the tension – and use the untying knots method – to one-by-one unravel all the dead knots.
(2) East Europe Ukraine crisis – the only way to ensure the hotspot will not blown out of proportion – is to honour the Peace Deal to defuse the tension. Make no mistake – it can turn very very ugly – bearing in mind the historical lesson of World War 1 and World War 2 ---- this is how the World War started.

A 3rd World War will mean end of the World.

(3) Middle East hotspot – WHO need to determine HOW to contain the Mers. Also the coming Haj, need to be very prudent – to prevent the spread all over the World.
Israel-Palestine Peace deal & Syria conflict – already say window opportunity when come must grasp and settle. Once you miss the window opportunity – very tough unless both dispute parties are really serious to compromise and move forward.

I already said – the World situation smell bad --- and all the intuitions all come true – which smell bad …………………

Only if Human Mankind adopt constructive steps to move towards the right direction, Human Mankind can continue to dwell in the Earth else it will be a destructive path and Human Mankind can chant :-

“Beedoh, Beedoh, Beedoh…
Wail, wail, wail, wail…..”

Where are the 3 Wholesome Roots of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom ?
How come the 3 Evil Roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Hatred and Greed overcome you and let小三灾 (War, Epidemic, Natural Disaster) run wild?


ricky l • a second agoRemove
Leaders of SuperPowers - have very heavy responsibilities.
It is not only about safeguarding the National Interests.

It is also make a decision that take into interest of Human Mankind - where one wrong decision will end the Whole Human Race - including the very National Interests that the Leaders of the SuperPowers are trusted to safeguard.

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