Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sri Lanka detains British tourist over Buddha tattoo

AFP News  8 hours ago
·                              ricky l  a second agoRemove

I think Western are more liberal in terms of expressing affection.
The tatoo of Buddha on her arm - maybe due to her affection of Buddha.
The kissing of Buddha - is also the Western way of expressing affection.

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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Conservative Asians generally view :-
(1) kissing in public - as something objectionable.
(2) Body Tatoo of Enlightened Beings is also a taboo - which is objectionable.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    But having say so, not sure should we overreact - as Buddha is usually a Universal Compassionate Beings.
    ricky l  a second agoRemove

    For example, Buddha and His disciple Ananda were begging for alm food.
    Some boys who are playing with stones saw the Buddha and they respectfully pour some stones into the alms bowls which are meant for food.

    Ananda was naturally angry but Buddha stopped him from reproaching the boys as the Buddha knew that the boys generally meant well as the boys do not have food, but have stones as their precious plaything, but gave it away when they saw the Buddha out of respect.

    Buddha thanks the boys for their generosity for parting their precious stone and told Ananda to cement the stones on their hall as decorative items.

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