China won't swallow "bitter pill" of
ceding sovereign rights - military official
By Megha Rajagopalan | Reuters – 2
hours 16 minutes ago
I don’t think anyone is expecting China to cede her
sovereign rights if the claims are legitimate.
I think everyone in the region is expecting China to make
her claim in a manner that is peaceful and responsible.
Among the peaceful and responsible manners to make claim on
her sovereign rights for example are :-
Direct negotiation
Sweetening deals – to throw in deals with mutual benefits
Joint development
International Courts for arbitration, mediation or justice
By settling territorial claim in a peaceful and responsible
manner – will in fact make the World look up to China as the rising Superpower
that can bring Peace and Prosperity to the Asia-Pacific Region as well as to
the World – staking her legitimate claim in a responsible manner not by force.
For eg. If 2 neighbors have dispute whereby one claim that
the neighbor has erect fencing that eat into his land, the 2 neighbors can
resolve the dispute in the following ways :-
Unwholesome ways to resolve the “territorial dispute” :-
Quarrel and argue loudly – and this will disturb the
Fight it out – and start throwing things at one another – and
hurt other neighbors or passerby with flying objects
Call their family members, friends, relatives to outnumber one
another in a big fight – and other neighbors and passerby also caught in the
big fight and got injured
Use weapons such as iron bar, knives or even guns to shoot at
one another or even throw firebombs at one another– and other neighbors and
passerby also get injured or even kick the buckets and both the houses got
burned down.
Wholesome, peaceful and responsible ways to resolve the
“territorial dispute” :-
direct talk and negotiate in a peaceful manner to resolve the
call a 3rd party – eg. Police, counsellor or
someone where both can trust to settle the dispute in a rational, logical and
adult manner – with “give and take”.
Both neighbors subject themselves to Court Arbitration process
– by producing documents to support their claim and honour the Court Judgement.
Notice that the Wholesome, peaceful and responsible ways to
resolve the “territorial dispute” will produce a much better outcomes without
causing bloodshed and chaos to the neighborhood – and both neighbors will win
respect by the whole neighborhood.
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