Wednesday, April 16, 2014

US praises 'measured' approach of Kiev's forces in east Ukraine

PUBLISHED ON APR 16, 2014 1:10 AM

There is a necessity to maintain law and order to ensure that Government Institution and land must not be taken hostages by arm. The measured approach is necessary to prevent escalation of violence and bloodshed.

Only when law and order is restored can diplomatic process take its course to settle dispute.

ricky l • a second agoRemove
For example, many Countries have migrants from other countries.

This migrant cannot later form a pressure group to force the host country to cede land they occupy to join the Countries where they come from.

Then the Countries all over the World will be in chaos

ricky l  a second agoRemove

For example, many Hongkongers migrate to Canada.
Can Hongkongers who have become Canadian later form a pressure group to force a town to be part of China?

It will be chaotic.

ricky l
ricky l • a second agoRemove
Such actions run contrary to the Universal Law of Karma.

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