Tuesday, April 1, 2014

North Korea leader warns of 'very grave' situation on Korean peninsula

Published on Apr 02, 2014
10:13 AM


    • The Korean Peninsula belongs to the 2 Koreas.
      Depending on how the situations evolve - it will affect no one else except the 2 Koreas who dwell in the Korean Peninsula.
      Any mis-steps - will affect all the people who live in the 2 Koreas.
      There are no other place to go, except to ensure the well-being & peace in the Korean Peninsula.
      Whether the 2 Koreans lives are safe or at risk,
      Whether the 2 Koreans properties, house, infrastructure are intact or damage or destroyed,
      Whether the 2 Koreans can live peacefully, go to work, go to school, enjoy life or dwell in bomb shelter, live in fear....
      Whether the 2 Koreans loved ones leave happily or live in fear.....
      Whether the 2 Koreans wealth are intact or vanish overnight ....
      Whether the 2 Koreans can continue to enjoy dancing in the pub or the K-Pop of Gangnam style, Roly-Poly or darting & skirting arty bombs, missile or bullets...
      - all depends on how the situation evolved, how the 2 Koreans work together to prevent escalation and mis-steps ...... and the best work towards long-lasting peace by identifying the root cause on how to prevent this regular event from happening.

        • The best thing is - it is within the mean of both Koreans to ensure long lasting Peace - if Both the Hearts are willing.



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