Tuesday, April 1, 2014

President Xi says multi-party system did not work for China

Published on Apr 02, 2014
1:03 PM

I think there are no right or wrong – regarding of the type of Government System as long as they can achieve the following
objectives of Governance :-
(1) Maintain a stable society
(2) Improve the living standard of the people they govern
(3) Be fair and just in dispensing Governance.
(4) Provide equal opportunities to all the people it Governs
(5) Ensure social harmony and provide rooms for different communities to maintain their culture and ensure different
communities integrate harmoniously with other communities in the Country on a Common Goal.
(6) Allow her people to represent their views and aspirations and incorporate them into the Government Policies that benefit them
(7) Maintain harmonious relationship and mutual benefits with International Communities and her Neighbours to allow trade, business, investment and travel to flourish

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