Sunday, April 27, 2014

China releases Japanese wartime documents - state media

By Alexandra Harney | Reuters  6 hours ago

·                              ricky l  a second agoRemove

"However, there are signs of warmth amidst the chill as well. Last week, Tokyo governor Yoichi Masuzoe visited Beijing, meeting with China's Vice Premier Wang Yang and former top Chinese diplomat Tang Jiaxuan and passing on a message from Abe that he hoped bilateral ties would improve.

That visit followed a trip to Japan in early April by Hu Deping, the son of late reformist Chinese leader Hu Yaobang. Hu met with several senior statesmen. His visit included a confidential meeting with prime minister Abe. "

Such ongoing constructive engagement and dialogues will be good to defuse tension, untie the series of dead knots one-by-one.

One day, a breakthrough will happen - as long as step-by-step - both sides move forward positively and constructively.


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