Thursday, April 3, 2014

Scientists date Moon at 4.470 billion years

Published on Apr 03, 2014
1:52 AM

Everything in this Universe are formed and evolved.
2 main elements make up the core of the Universe :-
(1) 5 Mental Aggregates = Mental
(2) 4 Great Elements = Physical
The question is :- does Mental come first or does Physical come first....
Based on Science, Physical come first - as Universe has to evolve before Life are formed.
Based on Religions, Mental come first - before Universe evolve and before Life take a different forms and rebirth in different realms.


    For eg. Humans can live peacefully by dwelling in the Environment that nurture us. This is Physical come first and support Mental thereafter. 先有蛋,后有鸡。
    But Humans can destroy the Environment such as nuclear bomb the Earth, spoil the Environment through over development and we breathe in haze, in smog, contend with dry weather that cannot support crops, that cause flood and tsunami. This is Mental come first to damage the Physical we live in. If Human over do it, Mental will destroy the whole Physical Earth that enable us to dwell in. 先有鸡。后有蛋。
    So is it 先有蛋,后有鸡 or 先有鸡。后有蛋?

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        So is Universe formed - because of Mental Process in the forefront ............... or
        Is it Universe are formed first - before Mental Process follow later?

          If the Mental Process come first, is it only 1 Being's Mental Process that cause the Universe to form and evolve - and then Limitless Beings Mental Process come later through wombs or through other means......... or
          Is it Limitless Beings Mental Process come first - that cause the Universe to form and evolve. And then Limitless Beings Mental Process evolve later by rebirth to various realms.
          As we know, if Universe are formed and evolved later - we know that Limitless Beings Mental Process will be formed and evolved and dwell in the Universe.

          God-concept Religions - advocate 1 Super Being Mental Process come first - and created the Universe.
          Buddha-concept Religions - advocate Limitless Super Beings Mental Process come first - and then lead to formation of Universe and evolution of Universe through :-
          五蕴皆空,四大皆空 - 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness follow by 4 Great Elements Emptiness.
          (ie. Mental Process enter into 1-pointedness Jhana Samadhi (a process of 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness), then follow by 4 Great Element Emptiness (whereby all the bodily phenonmenon suck into the 1-pointedness Jhana Samadhi) (a process of 4 Great Elements Emptiness).
          This process mirror the formation of Black Hole that suck in all the Cosmic Bodies into the 1 Black Hole. Thereafter through Supernova, a massive explosion create the Universe.
          So is it possible to form and evolve the Universe in 7 days? The answer is yes ---- because the Mental Process of Jhana Samadhi (禅定)and 3-Ring Fruition (华严三昧)attained by many Arahats, Pacceka Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas (声闻,缘觉,菩萨,佛)experience and prove it.


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