Friday, April 4, 2014

US warns China not to attempt Crimea-style action in Asia

Published on Apr 04, 2014
9:10 AM

This comment is not meant for any Country but a general reflection as a whole:-
Imagine the whole World is plunged into World War 3 - because of some bits of lands (0.0000001% of total land mass on Earth, some rocks or stones), some interest or some influence from the East to the West, from the top to the bottom ----- & the whole Human Mankind perished.

Alamak, can go to some mountains to chip out some boulder and some granite to give to the disputed parties - and put it in the museum - so that people no need to fight over some lands or some rocks - and human can live in peace and harmony.
So that human will not :-
"All fight together, and All perished forever".

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