Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Singapore, Malaysia met in December for water talks but discussions 'overshadowed by new issues': MFA

 (Updated: )
Wan Wan
Ricky Lim
You Malaysian?

You don't know what is international contract sign by both Government?

Which part of us did not know the source of water?

If you not Malaysian - then you must be a traitor - if you are a Singaporean.
Ricky Lim
In 1987, Malaysia had the right to review the price of water under the 1962 Water Agreement. But it chose not to, Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said.

Dr Balakrishnan yesterday reiterated that the 1962 Water Agreement (62WA) is no ordinary agreement, as it was guaranteed by both countries in the 1965 Separation Agreement, which was registered with the United Nations.

"Any breach of the 62WA would call into question the Separation Agreement, which is the basis for Singapore's very existence as an independent sovereign state," he said.

"Hence, in 2002, then PM Dr Mahathir said Malaysia did not ask for a review when it was due as Malaysia knew that any revision would also affect the price of treated water sold by Singapore to Malaysia," he added.

Dr Balakrishnan noted that in 2002, then Johor State Assembly Speaker Zainalabidin Mohd Zain said a review in 1986 of the water price was pointless because Johor relied on Singapore for treated water, and Singapore would have priced it higher for Johor.

The 1961 water agreement lapsed in 2011.
Ricky Lim
Citing the Linggiu Dam, he noted that in 1990, Singapore's national water agency PUB and Johor signed an agreement to build the dam to increase the yield of the Johor River so that PUB can reliably get its full entitlement of 250 million gallons of water daily.
Johor owns the Linggiu Dam, but Singapore paid for its construction and operation costs.

The dam - with other saddle embankments and ancillary works to create the Linggiu Reservoir - was completed in April 1993 at a cost of $310 million.

The construction and operation costs are on top of the RM320 million (S$208 million at 1990 rates) paid to Johor in 1990 as compensation for the land used for the Linggiu Reservoir project and for the potential loss of revenue from logging activities. It is a one-time payment as well for the lease of that land for the remaining tenure of the 1962 agreement, Dr Balakrishnan said.

Ricky Lim
Singapore's approach to the water issue is supported by three fundamental principles of its foreign policy, he added.

These are sticking up for international law and respecting the sanctity of international agreements, resolving disputes according to international law and upholding Singapore's reputation as a credible, trusted and consistent partner, and a country that abides fully by its international obligations.

Ricky Lim
Thus Singapore must not and will not relent - even an inch on this water agreement.

Singapore must be prepared to haul Malaysia to International Court - to resolve this water dispute.

Ricky Lim
Meanwhile, Pakatan Harapan lawmaker Hassan Abdul Karim voiced his worry in Parliament that the two countries could go to war if Putrajaya cuts off the water supply.

The deputy foreign minister assured Mr Hassan that Malaysia has good ties with Singapore and would settle disputes via diplomacy instead of facing each other off militarily.

“If we cannot settle, we can take the issues to the Court of Arbitration... The perception (of possible conflict) is untrue. Perhaps, there are parties trying to stir things up.” 

Clearly Malaysia is worried - if we use military actions against them.

Ricky Lim
Can the water prices in the Agreement be revised?

Both Singapore and Malaysia must comply fully with all the provisions of the 1962 Water Agreement, including the price of water stipulated in it. Any breach of the 1962 Water Agreement would call into question the Separation Agreement, which is the fundamental basis of Singapore’s very existence as an independent sovereign state.

Neither Singapore nor Malaysia can unilaterally change the terms of this solemn agreement.

Thus Singapore shall not and will never agree to any changes to the Water Agreement.

Even if this mean - military action 
 (if all diplomacy fails).
Wan Wan
Ricky Lim I just pass a remark in 1 sentence about the need for US to remember the source of water that we drink and use, holy smoke you start to fire from your hip about me being a traitor and a short and long story of the 2 water agreements in details! Wow, impressive! Think I have to “kee chiu” holding the WHITE FLAG!
Ricky Lim
Wan Wan - Thank you for bringing this issue up.

Because we need to bang the heads of the old hat up north, remind all Singaporeans the real intention of this old hat and warn Malaysians that Singapore will not be a pushover - and we will stand ready to defend Singapore and our right of existence.

Remember :-
"This old hat evil heart --- is not about demanding more money from Singapore on the water.

This old heart real intention - is to remove and deny "Our Right to Exist".

That is why we need to be mentally and physically prepare to rise up and defeat this old hat - if all diplomacy fail - including Military Actions.

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