Wednesday, February 6, 2019

LTA looking into Go-Jek 'hostage' dispute; says needs to hear from driver and passenger

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
After seeing the video - I find that the lady is paranoid, hysterical, fault-finding type and unreasonable.
Just becos of needing to pay ERP charge - causing so much commotion.
Ricky Lim
Don't turn this as "hostage or kidnap" situation.
Don't turn this as "racial discrimination".

It is a simple case of dispute in fare charge - aka "unhappiness to pay the erp" - disguise as "hostage or kidnap" or "racial discrimination".
Zulfikah Muhd
False accusations were made by the passenger and the law is busy with people’s privacy in this context? Lol if the driver did not record, will the court listen to the driver’s side of the story too or only the female’s false accusation? Scrap this law lah pls.
Kim Yang
I would think most of us here scrapped the surface superficially with preemptive judgements , without putting ourselves in both shoes.

Actually imagine if you are working in a bank and you expose a conversation with your client on Facebook, quite unprofessional no matter how (exciting ) the conversation may be. You may raise a case internally but to release a personal video publicly is a no no . I cannot imagine every workplace having such scenarios. Everyone makes mistakes but nowadays people don't give chance . Post and play sympathy card . Post and play aggressive card. No that's not how the world should be . I agree with those who say face should mosaic especially because the general public are not saints , should not be moral judges in their own hat. Capitalist world each for his own, filling the table with rice or abalone makes everyone stress. Peace out.
Tay Steven
Kim Yang,
I am able to put myself in the shoes of the driver because I have encountered similar situation. You won't understand how we feel when being INSULTED!!!
Kim Yang
Tay Steven yeah I work in service industry too.. that's what makes us survive right.. the forgiving spirit? Cannot bite the bullet also means cannot last long.. ask any taxi driver and they give you a million stories , but ask them why they can let it go ? Its about being in the service industry..
Kim Yang
I had an experience as a waitress got scolded just saying excuse me so I can walk through a crowded area.. aggrieved but what to do.. no money no skill need a job ..
Eileen Fu
Kim Yang The passenger had gone overboard. Making false accusations plus being racist .
Kim Yang
Eileen Fu yes she can do whatever she wants, but remember the big P? Professionals. Unless you argue the driver is not a professional.. back to the example of the bank and client, it would be professional not to upload the video on public considering the damage to reputation to the client . No matter how aggrieved he might be and how crazy her remarks might be , still I wouldn't upload my clients videos making a hoo ha every meeting making condescending remarks or personal insult ma.. I mean I wouldn't want to live in a world of public judgement
Tay Steven
Kim Yang
Customers is not always right. I do not need to bite the bullet. I can choose my customers. I have no shortage of customers.
Zulfikah Muhd
But this one not bank leh... so... She made a big huha about not wanting to py ERP so she deserves it 🤷🏽‍♂️
Danial Fernando
Because of Jovina Choi (rider) irresponsible acts towards the innocent Gojek driver, i think we need to repeal the Women's Charter to prevent further abuse. To many of us, she has abused her women's rights by falsely accusing a male driver of kidnapping and hostage victim just to avoid paying a ERP charge, plus she even accuse him of cheating her at first..then when all else fails, she accuse him of racism. If not because of the camera recording her drama, I am sure she will even accuse him of molest or attempted rape just to get what she wants and avoid payment. This will only make an innocent driver go to jail for nothing.

My suggestion, all accusations MUST go through Rule of Law not just by listening to a her word without any proof or evidence just like a murder charge or corruption charge which must produce evidence. The accuser MUST show proof to support their accusations.
Low Wei Yuan
Freddy Lim private hire is *private

Public bus is *public
Jimmy Lin
That woman twist and turn and also lie the fact that may lead to a life sentance, kidnapping is a serious crime in Singapore! I if were that driver I would do the same thing even though I know that my vocational license might be revoke by Lta.
Zulfikah Muhd
The fact that some people are on her side is so funny tho. Imagine if you are in the driver’s position at that point of time. False Accusation and racist remarks were made so I don’t see any problem for the video to be posted online to warn people about her or the type of shitty behaviour. And also, the abang posted the LTA letter not for attention but to update the general public on the case. People are so busy criticising the abang for posting the video online when she made false accusation that can make the driver to be in a big trouble. Worst if he doesn’t have any evidence to support himself.
Also , some people should stop comparing this incident with a bank 😂😂😂
Marcus Wong
Question ask LTA's What if passenger did not have drivers consent should it be consider against of PDPC. Likewise like in hospital and government sector fix on camera without permission of guest it should be consider against PDPC? Then when patient or guest took video at hospital or your government sector u say it as illegal against PDPC. Left,Right is all u said so what is the truth policy and regulation?

Marcus Wong
So if passenger was the first action to take video or photo, will u take action against the passenger, creator of the problem???

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