(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Damien Vesper - "Is denying climate change/science morally wrong?"
A very good question --- if you look at the fire that engulf US California round the year, the hurricane, earthquake that hit Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, the smog that engulf China, India, the extreme climate that hit the West, the East, the Australia, the Middle East, the US etc.
=== and yet humanity still think Global Climate is a hoax ---- is where Humanity work itself to extinction one day with Grace from the Universal Law of Karma.
Humanity has 3 poisons - Ignorance, Greed, Hatred (贪,嗔,痴)。
3 Minor catastrophe (Nature disaster, War - nuclear or World war, Epidemic) (天灾,人祸,瘟疫) will hit and wipe out Humanity when 3 poisons - Ignorance, Greed, Hatred (贪,嗔,痴)- reaches its maxim.
And going against the nature of human creation --- is invoking the maxim of Ignorance (痴)---- that will invite backlash of Universal Law of Karma --- that Human should cease to exist.
A very good question --- if you look at the fire that engulf US California round the year, the hurricane, earthquake that hit Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, the smog that engulf China, India, the extreme climate that hit the West, the East, the Australia, the Middle East, the US etc.
=== and yet humanity still think Global Climate is a hoax ---- is where Humanity work itself to extinction one day with Grace from the Universal Law of Karma.
Humanity has 3 poisons - Ignorance, Greed, Hatred (贪,嗔,痴)。
3 Minor catastrophe (Nature disaster, War - nuclear or World war, Epidemic) (天灾,人祸,瘟疫) will hit and wipe out Humanity when 3 poisons - Ignorance, Greed, Hatred (贪,嗔,痴)- reaches its maxim.
And going against the nature of human creation --- is invoking the maxim of Ignorance (痴)---- that will invite backlash of Universal Law of Karma --- that Human should cease to exist.
Ricky Lim
Science and Nature reinforce one another.
Science - Human damage Environment - Nature respond with Global Climate disaster.
Science - Male and Female sexual union - Nature give birth to offsprings.
This is Form = Formless, Formless = Form.
If one mess around with this Science = Divinity = Nature ----- backlash of Universal Law of Karma will come - because it is turning science topsy turvy, turning Divinity topsy turvy, turning Nature topsy turvy.
Science - Human damage Environment - Nature respond with Global Climate disaster.
Science - Male and Female sexual union - Nature give birth to offsprings.
This is Form = Formless, Formless = Form.
If one mess around with this Science = Divinity = Nature ----- backlash of Universal Law of Karma will come - because it is turning science topsy turvy, turning Divinity topsy turvy, turning Nature topsy turvy.
Angie Huang
...why no mention of AIDS in the entire thread???...LGBT is nothing...switch off the denial mode - AIDS and no future are scary...
Spidy Sparrow
Book of Enoch on biblical Giants and fallen angels of GOD co-habited with human before flood which GOD detested evil by children of GOD and destroyed all from the face of the earth.
But the gene stamp cells remained thru Noah's family.
But the gene stamp cells remained thru Noah's family.
Spidy Sparrow
Wickedness in the World
Genesis 6
When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Noah and the Flood
9 This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.
Genesis 6
When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Noah and the Flood
9 This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.
Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim I said love between 2 mature adults not a man and an animal. Do not twist it. Excuse me, the law states publicly or privately. You said that you don't care what 2 consenting adults do privately. This law infringes on that idea. Do you not see the problem here. What type of mind trick is this. I support this law that bans even private consensual sex but i also don't care what 2 consenting adults do privately.
Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim In nature, we see gay lions, gay penguins, gay monkeys. Humans are not the only species to have homosexuality. Humans have had homosexuality for thousands of years and more than that. The Ancient romans, greeks, China, Japan, India... Do you know what is unnatural? Forcing gay people to turn straight. They were born like that the science said so. You cannot deny it. Our late LKY did not deny it. You would rather force them to stay hidden from society so as to avoid this issue? Nobody is claiming humanity comes from a man and a man or a woman and a woman. That is ridiculous but you must acknowledge that nature also gave us homosexuality as well. They did not choose to be gay, they were born gay.
Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim So it is morally wrong to deny climate change and the scientist as well. Is it morally correct to deny the fact that these people were born gay due to genetics and the womb? The scientists have agreed on this. If we agree that they are born gay, explain why is it right to punish them for something they cannot change or choose? At least place some anti-discrimination laws that will protect LGBT youths from being bullied at school and prevent employers from firing their LGBT employees. Get rid of this archaic law.
Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim That is why homosexuality is a minority in the human population. In fact by that logic...
Humans have been overpopulating more and more=More humans= more pollution to the world. Gay people exist= gay people cannot have children=lesser overpopulation=lesser humans=less pollution. It seems that science and nature does work together.
Humans have been overpopulating more and more=More humans= more pollution to the world. Gay people exist= gay people cannot have children=lesser overpopulation=lesser humans=less pollution. It seems that science and nature does work together.
Damien Vesper
Backlash will come if you try to stop gay people from doing their jobs in nature. If you force them to hide themselves and pressure them into marrying people they have no sexual interest with and pressure them to have children. You are going against nature. They are all linked with science.
Spidy Sparrow
Damien Vesper
If one gay or lesbians reported to police that he or she was being tricked into being gay or lesbians, the the law take effect.
If one gay or lesbians reported to police that he or she was being tricked into being gay or lesbians, the the law take effect.
Damien Vesper
Spidy Sparrow What part of 'being gay is not a choice' did you not get. How do you trick someone into being gay or lesbian. Do they sneeze and then the next day, you got the gay virus. 'Oh no i got the gay'. If you are gay, you were born gay. You cannot get gayness. Its not a virus. Its not something you can pass it on.
Ricky Lim
Damien Vesper -
A right is a right. A wrong is a wrong. Law don't make what is Universally wrong to be right and what is Universally right to be wrong.
Eg. Trump withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement and enact environmenatal law that hurt global environment.
Trump think that by "legalising environmental law" that hurt global climate to reap his greed of more wealth - he is above the Universal Law.
But Universal Law of Karma - dispense Natural Disaster - of California fire, hurricane, earthquake, extreme climate hitting US, the West, the East, the Central, the Globe.
What is right is Universally Right.
What is wrong is Universally Wrong.
Enacting a law - to make right wrong and make wrong right - does not stop Universal Law of Karma from dispensing good karma or bad karma - as Universal Law of Karma is objective, fair and just.
A right is a right. A wrong is a wrong. Law don't make what is Universally wrong to be right and what is Universally right to be wrong.
Eg. Trump withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement and enact environmenatal law that hurt global environment.
Trump think that by "legalising environmental law" that hurt global climate to reap his greed of more wealth - he is above the Universal Law.
But Universal Law of Karma - dispense Natural Disaster - of California fire, hurricane, earthquake, extreme climate hitting US, the West, the East, the Central, the Globe.
What is right is Universally Right.
What is wrong is Universally Wrong.
Enacting a law - to make right wrong and make wrong right - does not stop Universal Law of Karma from dispensing good karma or bad karma - as Universal Law of Karma is objective, fair and just.
Ricky Lim
(1) Human with Beast - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent (this is enshrine in 377B)
(2) Human with Minor - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent as it exploit minor vulnerabilities (this is enshrine in 376B)
(3) Human with Incest of siblings - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent (this is enshrine in 376G)
(4) Human with Corpse - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with the loved ones (this is enshrine in 377)
(5) Male with male, (including Female with female) - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent (this is enshrine in 377A)
They are not Universally Morally acceptable behavior because they are deviant to Nature - and they will elicit Univeral Law of bad karma.
Legalising them with Human law - will not relieve them of bad karma - because Universal Law of Karma will act objectively - if Human law and Heavenly Law do not adequately dispense justice of morally right behavior.
A right is a right. A wrong is a wrong. Law don't make what is Universally wrong to be right and what is Universally right to be wrong.
By turning a blind eyes to gay behavior - doesn't means agreeing what they did is Universally right.
They are born like that - because in the past they have done wrong - and thus born as such.
What they are now - is because of the past they do.
What they do now - will be what they are in their next life.
Can we "enact a law that is morally wrong - to make a wrong right and make right wrong?" - when Science=DIvinity=Nature are turn topsy turvy - Universal Law will kicks in.
A Compassion cannot be a misplaced Compassion. Turning a blind eyes to the gay and the lesbian - does not mean agreeing and legalising what they are doing as right.
We cannot ostracised them, discriminate them - as they need help, need support - but not legalising and agreeing with them.
(1) Human with Beast - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent (this is enshrine in 377B)
(2) Human with Minor - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent as it exploit minor vulnerabilities (this is enshrine in 376B)
(3) Human with Incest of siblings - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent (this is enshrine in 376G)
(4) Human with Corpse - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with the loved ones (this is enshrine in 377)
(5) Male with male, (including Female with female) - is deviant and objectionable sexual behavior to Nature even with consent (this is enshrine in 377A)
They are not Universally Morally acceptable behavior because they are deviant to Nature - and they will elicit Univeral Law of bad karma.
Legalising them with Human law - will not relieve them of bad karma - because Universal Law of Karma will act objectively - if Human law and Heavenly Law do not adequately dispense justice of morally right behavior.
A right is a right. A wrong is a wrong. Law don't make what is Universally wrong to be right and what is Universally right to be wrong.
By turning a blind eyes to gay behavior - doesn't means agreeing what they did is Universally right.
They are born like that - because in the past they have done wrong - and thus born as such.
What they are now - is because of the past they do.
What they do now - will be what they are in their next life.
Can we "enact a law that is morally wrong - to make a wrong right and make right wrong?" - when Science=DIvinity=Nature are turn topsy turvy - Universal Law will kicks in.
A Compassion cannot be a misplaced Compassion. Turning a blind eyes to the gay and the lesbian - does not mean agreeing and legalising what they are doing as right.
We cannot ostracised them, discriminate them - as they need help, need support - but not legalising and agreeing with them.
Precept of Sexual misconduct - whereby only sexual union of male and female with the objective of producing offspring in a marriage and to maintain a relationship does not infringe this precept.
This is the :-
Discourse of Univeral Moral Behavior versus Deviant Behavior that elicit bad karma.
(正理 vs 歪理)
This is the :-
Discourse of Univeral Moral Behavior versus Deviant Behavior that elicit bad karma.
(正理 vs 歪理)
Damien Vesper -
Do you support the following sexual union because these people are born deviant and the can't control themselves:-
(1) Human with incest - with siblings, with parents?
(2) Human with animals?
(3) Human with minors?
(4) Human with corpse?
These people are born like that - just like the following people with deviant sexual behavior to nature :-
(1) Male with male
(2) Female with female
You have give alot of excuses justifying the gays and lesbian --- but are you supporting incest, with beast, with minors, with corpse?
If yes what are your excuses?
If no what are your reasons?
Do you support the following sexual union because these people are born deviant and the can't control themselves:-
(1) Human with incest - with siblings, with parents?
(2) Human with animals?
(3) Human with minors?
(4) Human with corpse?
These people are born like that - just like the following people with deviant sexual behavior to nature :-
(1) Male with male
(2) Female with female
You have give alot of excuses justifying the gays and lesbian --- but are you supporting incest, with beast, with minors, with corpse?
If yes what are your excuses?
If no what are your reasons?
Wu Jian Hao
Damian Haywood
Don't worry. Gayriage is the next step. Don't do it now..or you'll spoil the whole LGBTQ agenda.
Don't worry. Gayriage is the next step. Don't do it now..or you'll spoil the whole LGBTQ agenda.
Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim When have we turned to corpses and cows. Can corpses consent? Can cows consent? Children are too young to consent. That is why I don't support them. All of these people can choose to have sex and fall in love with the opposite sex. Gays and lesbian cannot choose. You must admit that or you are denying facts and science.
There are child marriages out there and people support it because it is what society wants. It is what the local culture tolerates. There are people who use religion to support child marriages. There are people who would say nature says if a girl has gotten her period, she is no longer a child and can get married. But society changes and we don't follow such archaic values and reasoning.
Damien Vesper
If it is all about reproduction, polygamy should be allowed. That is what people do. Oh you can't bore me a child. I'm taking a concubine or second wife. Infertile people cannot marry and cannot have sex. Old people cannot get remarried. They are not having children. Relationships nowadays have changed from reproduction to love.
Damien Vesper -
(1) Corpse can give consent before he/she dies.
(2) Cow or dogs or beasts - if refuse to give consent will kick the human or run off. If they stay throughout the session - it is a consent.
(3) As for child --- can see that you are supporting child marriage - another deviant sexual union.
(4) How about incest - siblings and parents are adults what - they can give consent - what is your excuses now?
(5) Polygamy - you introduced a new type of sexual union - and you say is ok.
(1) Corpse can give consent before he/she dies.
(2) Cow or dogs or beasts - if refuse to give consent will kick the human or run off. If they stay throughout the session - it is a consent.
(3) As for child --- can see that you are supporting child marriage - another deviant sexual union.
(4) How about incest - siblings and parents are adults what - they can give consent - what is your excuses now?
(5) Polygamy - you introduced a new type of sexual union - and you say is ok.
See the moral decadence that have listed all above - when you allow moral decadence to kicks in?
It open a pandora box of moral decadence that will pemeate the entire Society - and everything goes out of control.
It open a pandora box of moral decadence that will pemeate the entire Society - and everything goes out of control.
And the moral fabric that make up the family values - break apart - and the Society become morally decay.
When this happens, Universal Law of Karma will kicks in.
Damien Vesper
Our family values will not collapse. Functioning families exist in places where gay marriage is legal. They are not gone from the earth and they will not be.
Society will be better when we all recognise each other as fellow human beings who bleed when cut and feel sad when loved ones are lost and that our fellow human deserves respect and rights as we do. We should accept the LGBT community into society. They are fellow human beings are they not?
Society will be better when we all recognise each other as fellow human beings who bleed when cut and feel sad when loved ones are lost and that our fellow human deserves respect and rights as we do. We should accept the LGBT community into society. They are fellow human beings are they not?
Damien Vesper
Now back to the question. No dodging. No excuses. Is homosexuality a choice?
If yes, why are we still keeping this law and why do we not give them rights and protection from discrimination.
If no, why do you deny science.
If yes, why are we still keeping this law and why do we not give them rights and protection from discrimination.
If no, why do you deny science.
Damien Vesper - homosexuality is an illness that need treatment. lesbian is an illness the need treatment.
Those thing you mention are moral decadence.
You are just using crooked arguments to justify moral decadence.
Those thing you mention are moral decadence.
You are just using crooked arguments to justify moral decadence.
if you say homo and lesbian are science, are nature - is basically lost of self control.
Those who practise 12 independant origination of life --- know very clearly - these are "clinging" and "craving" onto wrong moral values and sexual desires.
If you say they are nature - they cannot control - they are just like all other deviant sexual behavior where they cannot exercise self control - whether those commit incest, minors, corpse, polygamy etc.
All your crooked arguments cannot stand water.
Those who practise 12 independant origination of life --- know very clearly - these are "clinging" and "craving" onto wrong moral values and sexual desires.
If you say they are nature - they cannot control - they are just like all other deviant sexual behavior where they cannot exercise self control - whether those commit incest, minors, corpse, polygamy etc.
All your crooked arguments cannot stand water.
Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim You cannot treat it. How will you treat it? Science already says no. Maybe in the future but currently you cannot treat it.
I am not saying it, the scientists are saying it. You have said to deny science is immoral. You cannot deny that homosexuality is a choice. You can control yourself from having sex be it heterosexual or homosexual. You are just talking about abstinence now.
I did not support incest, sex with minors, corpses, animals. You claim i do. These are horrible and you keep equating it to homosexuality. They are not the same.
Being a Homosexual is not a choice. Practising incest, hving sex with animals, minors and corpses are choices. You choose to do so. You can choose not to do it. If you are talking about choosing to do homosexual sex true it is a choice just like normal heterosexual sex. Some do it for pleasure. If you are against that, you are against all sex that is not about reproduction and we will be in 1600s puritan England.
My crooked argument? You call other arguments who disagree with you as crooked arguments? I am not justifying moral decadence. I am justifying being against discrimination.
I am not saying it, the scientists are saying it. You have said to deny science is immoral. You cannot deny that homosexuality is a choice. You can control yourself from having sex be it heterosexual or homosexual. You are just talking about abstinence now.
I did not support incest, sex with minors, corpses, animals. You claim i do. These are horrible and you keep equating it to homosexuality. They are not the same.
Being a Homosexual is not a choice. Practising incest, hving sex with animals, minors and corpses are choices. You choose to do so. You can choose not to do it. If you are talking about choosing to do homosexual sex true it is a choice just like normal heterosexual sex. Some do it for pleasure. If you are against that, you are against all sex that is not about reproduction and we will be in 1600s puritan England.
My crooked argument? You call other arguments who disagree with you as crooked arguments? I am not justifying moral decadence. I am justifying being against discrimination.
Damien Vesper - This will be my last message that i will respond to you
Homo and lesbian - are extreme form of clinging and craving of sensual desire with gratification on deviant sexual objects.
People can maintian celibacy and some people can be single without marriage.
It is all psychological and these people just have poor self control by letting their sexual preferences go deviant.
When others sexual union offends you - you come out with thousands of reasons to say no.
But when your sympathy go with the gays and lesbians - you come out with thousandds of reason to say yes.
Enough say - I do not wish to go on with you.
Because in metaphysics - you have "zero understanding".
Homo and lesbian - are extreme form of clinging and craving of sensual desire with gratification on deviant sexual objects.
People can maintian celibacy and some people can be single without marriage.
It is all psychological and these people just have poor self control by letting their sexual preferences go deviant.
When others sexual union offends you - you come out with thousands of reasons to say no.
But when your sympathy go with the gays and lesbians - you come out with thousandds of reason to say yes.
Enough say - I do not wish to go on with you.
Because in metaphysics - you have "zero understanding".
Damien Vesper
Is it too hard to understand? They were born homosexual. There is no cure, there is no treatment. Nature has homosexuality as well as heterosexual. Do not place false equivalence with other horrible acts and choices to justify punishing them. There is no treatment for being Japanese. You don't change your race.
Ricky Lim Ok this will also be my last message to you.
Homosexuals are born this way. Whether they have sex or not, they will still be discriminated for something they cannot choose. Whether they have sex or not, they can still be fired for just being homosexuals. Employers do not really care whether they had sex or not. They will fire them for being LGBT. LGBT students in school can get bullied and there is no protection for them. We at least need to place laws to protect them.
Abstinence and self control is a psychological issue. Bring Gay or Lesbian is not psychological, its biological. True they get to choose to have sex and relationships is not just about sex but they are 2 consenting mature adults not a corpse not a child not a .... They should not be punished for it. If you think gay or lesbian sex is weird and unnatural. That is your opinion because animals also have gay and lesbian sex. But we should not based every single law on nature anyway. Abortion is anti-natural and we allow it.
Metaphysics is part of philosophy. No? and in Philosophy. There is no right or wrong answer. I will admit i am no good at metaphysics but it is difficult to use philosophy to deal with policies or laws.
Anyways, it was nice talking to you. Hope there is no grudges between us.
Homosexuals are born this way. Whether they have sex or not, they will still be discriminated for something they cannot choose. Whether they have sex or not, they can still be fired for just being homosexuals. Employers do not really care whether they had sex or not. They will fire them for being LGBT. LGBT students in school can get bullied and there is no protection for them. We at least need to place laws to protect them.
Abstinence and self control is a psychological issue. Bring Gay or Lesbian is not psychological, its biological. True they get to choose to have sex and relationships is not just about sex but they are 2 consenting mature adults not a corpse not a child not a .... They should not be punished for it. If you think gay or lesbian sex is weird and unnatural. That is your opinion because animals also have gay and lesbian sex. But we should not based every single law on nature anyway. Abortion is anti-natural and we allow it.
Metaphysics is part of philosophy. No? and in Philosophy. There is no right or wrong answer. I will admit i am no good at metaphysics but it is difficult to use philosophy to deal with policies or laws.
Anyways, it was nice talking to you. Hope there is no grudges between us.
Damien Vesper - I bear no grudge with you.
I treat it as a discussion and a debate that will affect Singapore as a Society if not properly handle.
I have sympathy with the LBGT group - and i wish they can get well.
That is why I say Society should not discriminate them, ostracise them or make things difficult for them.
In fact, my preference is for Society to help them and support them, treat them if possible.
But if not possible, let them do it quietly and privately - but not champion it and make loud noise about it.
Metaphysics is not a philosophy. It is a practice to gain Spiritual Enlightenment -- and the "key" to Enlightenment - is to break "clinging" and "craving" of all sensual desires --- which will lead to Supreme Enlightenment.
Heterosexual can attain celibacy - by breaking "clinging" and "craving" to sensual desires including sexual needs.
Similarly, homosexual and lesbian can also attain celibacy - by breaking "clinging" and "craving" to sensual desires including sexual needs.
This is not self-abstinence - but the development of insight that break the link of clinging and craving - a total cure.
I treat it as a discussion and a debate that will affect Singapore as a Society if not properly handle.
I have sympathy with the LBGT group - and i wish they can get well.
That is why I say Society should not discriminate them, ostracise them or make things difficult for them.
In fact, my preference is for Society to help them and support them, treat them if possible.
But if not possible, let them do it quietly and privately - but not champion it and make loud noise about it.
Metaphysics is not a philosophy. It is a practice to gain Spiritual Enlightenment -- and the "key" to Enlightenment - is to break "clinging" and "craving" of all sensual desires --- which will lead to Supreme Enlightenment.
Heterosexual can attain celibacy - by breaking "clinging" and "craving" to sensual desires including sexual needs.
Similarly, homosexual and lesbian can also attain celibacy - by breaking "clinging" and "craving" to sensual desires including sexual needs.
This is not self-abstinence - but the development of insight that break the link of clinging and craving - a total cure.
That is why i say homosexual and lesbian are psychological --- except that conventional psychology and current medical treatment cannot treat it.
Insight understanding of 12 dependant origination of life --- will be the antidote.
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Ricky Lim
According to scientific study - all human has 2 sexual orientaton - one is homosexual and one is heterosexual.
When a Society is exposed to too much homosexuality - even heterosexual orientation may sway toward homosexuality --- this is the danger .....
"Although sexual orientation is usually set early in life, it isn’t at all uncommon for your desires and attractions to shift throughout your life. This is called “fluidity.” Many people, including sex researchers and scientists, believe that sexual orientation is like a scale with entirely gay on one end and entirely straight on the other. Lots of people would be not on the far ends, but somewhere in the middle.
For some people, sexual orientation can shift at different periods in their lives and the labels they use for themselves may shift, too."
When a Society is exposed to too much homosexuality - even heterosexual orientation may sway toward homosexuality --- this is the danger .....
"Although sexual orientation is usually set early in life, it isn’t at all uncommon for your desires and attractions to shift throughout your life. This is called “fluidity.” Many people, including sex researchers and scientists, believe that sexual orientation is like a scale with entirely gay on one end and entirely straight on the other. Lots of people would be not on the far ends, but somewhere in the middle.
For some people, sexual orientation can shift at different periods in their lives and the labels they use for themselves may shift, too."
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Lish Is Away
We need more public toilets for each toilet design: at least one for Male, one for Female, and one for others. Female don’t want others peeping them while using toilets. Male are just deserved the same.
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Damien Vesper
Ricky Lim At least we can agree on not discriminating, ostracising and making things difficult on the LGBT community. I also will support a potential treatment but currently we cannot treat homosexuality. Maybe it will happen in the future but not today. I am willing to give a step in not making noices as long as they should be allowed to love each other with no interference and no discrimination comes to them.
I see where you are coming from a metaphysical and spritual enlightenment look. I respect that but i politely disagree that it is a cure. Celibacy can be attained by both homosexuals as well as heterosexuals, they can get rid of their sexual desires and cravings but that just makes them lose all sexual attraction to everybody and biologically it still does not change the fact that people born heterosexual cannot become homosexuals and people born homosexuals cannot become heterosexual.
I don't think society will turn homosexual if it is exposed to homosexuality. Throughout history, homosexuality has been exposed to the public, be it from poetry, art, temple carvings, their leaders such as Emperor Hadrian Ancient greece, rome, China, India, Japan... It did not turn their whole society homosexual. Search up the history of homosexuality. There will always be homosexuality in the world.
I see where you are coming from a metaphysical and spritual enlightenment look. I respect that but i politely disagree that it is a cure. Celibacy can be attained by both homosexuals as well as heterosexuals, they can get rid of their sexual desires and cravings but that just makes them lose all sexual attraction to everybody and biologically it still does not change the fact that people born heterosexual cannot become homosexuals and people born homosexuals cannot become heterosexual.
I don't think society will turn homosexual if it is exposed to homosexuality. Throughout history, homosexuality has been exposed to the public, be it from poetry, art, temple carvings, their leaders such as Emperor Hadrian Ancient greece, rome, China, India, Japan... It did not turn their whole society homosexual. Search up the history of homosexuality. There will always be homosexuality in the world.
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