Saturday, September 22, 2018

New bombshell revives debate on Trump fitness for office

22 Sep 2018 07:44AM
Ricky Lim
Washington was convulsed this month by the release of Woodward's book on the inner workings of the White House - which he described as mired in a perpetual "nervous breakdown" with staff battling to control an unstable president.
Compounding Woodward's account, The New York Times went on to publish an op-ed by an anonymous senior official - whose identity remains a mystery - claiming that select administration staff are so alarmed by the president's "erratic" and "amoral" behavior that they actively sabotage his most extreme policy efforts.
Staff are so alarmed by the president's "erratic" and "amoral" behavior that they actively sabotage his most extreme policy efforts battling to control an unstable president.

The world are not surprise by the above statement - because what the World are seeing Trump now befit all the the above statement.

The sooner this Trump is taken down - the better for US and the World.
Pls be quick in getting him out of power.
Market recovery was hurt by him badly.
Wee Chwee Wong
We have so many political clowns around that the world has turned into a circus
Nantha Tan
This is really entertaining.
Tokay OH
Why Trump is taking the report so seriously when he claimed the NYT and WP are fake news?

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