Trump urges Iran's isolation, praises Kim in combative UN address
Donald Trump also lashed out at other adversaries such as Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro and took aim at international institutions such as the UN-backed world court.
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Boasting that his team "has achieved more than any administration in the history of our country," Trump was met with laughter. "I didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay," he responded. He even provoked derisive laughter from fellow leaders at the normally staid assembly by trumpeting the performance of his administration whose "America First" foreign policy continues to cause alarm. --- Trump has no sense of shame. But the World view Trump as the Biggest Clown in the World.
America used to be a leader of the world and someone to look up to.. Now we just laugh at the old geezer with the vocabulary of a 6 yr old and his dumb policies tat split and destroy the world.. Took jus one idiot..
What EU did was correct. Ignore Trump. In fact, the whold world should just boycott UN. Why need the UN anyway. To begin with, the desert people should stop trading oil in USD. Change to Yuen.
It is correct that Trump administration outperform all previous administration where tax cut budget was imposed. The surplus funds allowed more consumer to go on spending spree even though US is living and survive on borrowed money. The dose of joy is probably short-lived, yet it delivers best result for US economy for now. Fund managers are taking the surplus to plunge back into share speculation, and indeed raising prospects of a black Friday when many nations start to engage other currency to trade over USD. The situation looks bleak in long term but possibly the next President of US shall stand before UN and proclaim Trump administration had injected one of the worst economic engine into the system that cause severe depression across the nation.
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